Viktor: Chapter eight

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Y/n missed Viktor a lot. He had to come back after his brother lost against the Japanese Yuri to help his grandpa with the car, and now he couldn't go to Japan to Viktor, cause Yuri was a sore looser and he needed Y/n with him. And since Viktor didn't practice anymore Yakov insisted on Y/n to stay. The only thing that they had left was calling and having video chats, that was all. It was both saddening and frustrating to Y/n. But the Grand Prix was coming closer, so they were both excited to finally see each other.

The Russian team walked out of the plane and went to the hotel they were staying at. Y/n planned on going to Viktor's house asap, so he sent him a text, asking him for the room number. Viktor answered immediately so in no time Y/n was knocking at his door. Viktor opened it with a grin on his face and hugged his boyfriend as tight as possible.

-I missed you so damn much. – said Y/n, nuzzling his neck.

-Me too. – answered Viktor, squeezing Y/n more and pulled him in the room. – Yuri, leave me with Y/n for about half an hour please.

-Make it two. – smirked Y/n and hugged Yuri too. Even though he was a reason Viktor was away from him for so long, he wished him all the best. He was a nice guy. If Y/n wasn't in the relationship with Viktor, he would chase after him. – Or we can just go to my room for the night.

-Great idea. – grinned Viktor and pulled Y/n to his room.

Time skip

Next morning was quite difficult for Y/n and Viktor. They spent the whole night together, barely getting any sleep. It was the first day of the Grand Prix, so none of them could stay in the room any longer. That leads us to Y/n and Viktor watching everyone's performances, while Yuri was getting nervous all the time. Y/n noticed that and put his hand on his shoulder.

-Take a deep breath. – smiled Y/n. – You'll do just fine, you'll see.

-Thanks Y/n. – muttered Yuri.

The blush on his face couldn't get unnoticed by Y/n. He just chuckled and let go of him, not wanting to get Viktor jealous. Then Yuri went on the ice as his turn came. Y/n and Viktor watched his performance. Y/n remembered how he watched Viktor performing that program. The glance he gave them made Y/n's heart skip a bit, surprising him a lot. He should feel that was only about Viktor.

Then it was the turn of the young Plisetsky, performing Agape. Y/n watched his brother with a smile on his face. Yakov's idea to turn him into a ballerina wasn't a bad idea at all. His moves were truly beautiful.

-I knew he was talented. – smiled Viktor looking at Y/n's face.

-Yeah. – answered Y/n. – If he wasn't I wouldn't move back to Sankt Petersburg.

-Don't remind me about these times please. – Viktor looked down. – I missed you so much back then.

Time skip

When Yuri did a certain jump only Viktor was capable of doing, both him and Y/n were impressed. Viktor ran to Yuri after he finished the performance and kissed him on the lips, completely forgetting Y/n was right behind them. He widened his eyes and gritted his teeth. Viktor came to his mind after a second and he knew he was in big trouble with Y/n. Yuri and Viktor slid out of the ice and walked up to him. Y/n crossed his arms against his chest.

-Y/n I swear...-Viktor spoke up.

-Stay where you are. – answered Y/n and looked straight in Viktor's eyes. – I will ask only once, and you better tell the truth. Did you cheat on me?

-No Y/n, I would never....

-Enough. How am I supposed to know you're telling the truth?

-Cause I love you. – Viktor was at the verge of the tears. – Please Y/n, believe me...

-He's not lying. – said Yuri when he saw Y/n was still angry. – I would never try to steal Viktor away from you. To be honest...-Yuri looked down. - I had a crush on you...but I never wanted to get in between you. Please Y/n, don't leave him because of me.

Y/n looked at both of them before he spoke up again.

-Yet that kiss didn't come from nowhere. – he said. – Viktor, do you have some hots for Yuri? Cause to be honest I do, and I know what to do to make all of us happy and content. So? How is the situation Vitya?

-I...I do, but I swear I didn't cheat on you. – said Viktor. – Please believe me.

-Well boys, since we all have feelings for each other I suggest..- he made a pause before he smirked. -...a triangle.

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