Dante: Chapter nine

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Y/n was laying down on the couch with a controller in his hands. He just came back from game shopping and it was time to test his new sources of entertainment. Dante was napping after eating two plates of pasta Y/n made the day before. It was a lazy day anyway, so besides playing games or fucking Dante, Y/n wouldn't have anything to do. He was somehow pleased with the moments of peace like that. He was just relaxing and literally nothing could break that peaceful state of mind. He knew where he learned to appreciate times like this, it was when his father insisted in his training. But that wasn't a bad thing at all. If he didn't train hard, he wouldn't be allowed to go to earth and he wouldn't have met Dante. He smiled at that thought and continued playing.

-Any chance for the multiplayer? – asked Dante as he walked up to the TV and took the other controller. Y/n saved his game and changed the mode for two players, while Dante made his way to the couch. He plopped down next to his boyfriend and waited for the game to start.

-Slept well? – asked Y/n as the cut scene was on.

-Yeah. – answered Dante, clearly aware that Y/n might be talking just to distract him from the game. Y/n figured that out, so he just decided to shut up. When the game started they played in silence, focused on their moves and the strategy to take each other down.

Time skip

-Yes! – yelled Dante in victory. – I finally bet you!

-That's only because it was a first time I played this game. – said Y/n calmly, clearly not pleased with the outcome. Nonetheless he made a stupid mistake and paid for it immediately.

-Poor excuse, I played it shorter than you. – smirked Dante. – You just suck.

-I'll make you suck if you won't shut up. – growled Y/n ready to jump at his boyfriend.

Dante chuckled and kissed Y/n's cheek. But that wasn't enough for the handsome devil. He wanted much more of Dante's affection, so he rolled on top of him and kissed his lips. That kiss was different from the ones they usually have. Y/n didn't rush anything, nor did he get rough with Dante. It was just a sweet, loving kiss, nothing more, and nothing else.

-What was that? – asked Dante after Y/n pulled away from the lack of an air.

-Your reward for beating me in the game. Congratulations babe. – smiled Y/n, playing with Dante's hair and looking in his eyes. He loved staring in his lover's orbs. – But I will demand a rematch.

-Sure. – smiled Dante and kissed Y/n's cheek. He hugged Y/n around his neck and let him nuzzle his neck. They turned the TV off and closed their eyes for a nap in each other's arms.

Time skip

Dante woke up with Y/n still sleeping snuggled up in his chest. He smiled seeing his peaceful face as he slept. Dante played with Y/n's hair and caressed his cheek. He could stare at him like that all day. Dante let out a small chuckle when Y/n leaned in his lover's touch, being still asleep. Then he started purring and woke up slowly.

-Good morning Sleeping Beauty. – chuckled Dante. – You were so cute.

-Please, I'm adorable. – muttered Y/n making Dante chuckle louder.

Y/n kissed the corners of Dante's lips, indicating he wanted affection. Dante couldn't and wouldn't deny him that so he pressed his lips against Y/n's. Y/n kissed back, letting out a deep purr of satisfaction. They shared an innocent kiss and pulled away when Y/n's stomach let out a grumble. Dante chuckled at that and kissed Y/n's cheek.

-Let's eat something. – he said. – I can't let you run out of energy, now can I?

-That would be irresponsible. – answered Y/n and got off of Dante and headed to the kitchen. Dante followed him slowly and sat down on one of the chairs at the table, while Y/n was heating up the pasta for both of them, Then they ate and got back to cuddling on the couch, occasionally pausing it with kissing or pecking each other's lips. That's how they spend most of their days together. And they both wanted it to never stop.

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