Viktor: Chapter nine

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-...a triangle? – asked Viktor, not really believing what he heard.

-What? You like Yuri, I do too and he likes us. Don't you think that it would be too tempting and too easy to cheat? – Y/n tilted his head to the side. – So why shouldn't we just come clean and share our love to each other without risking our relationship? It's a good solution. – Y/n smiled. - Think about it.

Yuri looked at Viktor blushing, then at Y/n, and blushed more. Y/n watched them with amusement clearly visible in his eyes and a smirk on his face. They were so cute, looking so flustered and all.

-If Yuri agrees I'll be fine with that. – said Viktor after a second of thinking. If that would ensure that Y/n would stay with him, then he was perfectly fine for him. – Yuri? What do you say?

-O-okay. – he shuttered and let out a squeak when Y/n pulled both of them against his chest and hugged them tight. – Now let's watch my brother's performance, shall we?

Time skip

Yuri Plisetsky won the Grand Prix in beautiful style. Y/n couldn't contain his happiness and pride that his little brother had such an amazing first Grand Prix in his life. Yuri hugged him back and laughed along with his older brother.

-Let's go celebrate. – said Y/n to his brother.

He dragged Yuri and Viktor with them of course, and the rest of their friends, much to his brother's displeasure. They went to the bar nearby and started their little party. Everything went fine until certain obnoxious asshole and his girlfriend came along. Y/n only glared at JJ and rolled his eyes. The gang already knew it was time for a change of place. They left in the middle of JJ's bragging and got in the fanciest bar around.

-Damn it I hate him. – said Yuri to his brother.

-I know Yurachka. – answered Y/n and wrapped his arm around Yuri's shoulder. – Fucking bastard dares to bully my little brother. Not to mention he is so damn full of himself.

-You're so cute together. – chuckled Viktor. – Big bro Y/n takes care of little bro Yuri.

-You know how teasing me ends up for you Vitya~ - smirked Y/n making him blush and look away. The others started chuckling at Viktor's behavior.

Time skip

Y/n, Viktor and Yuri went in the hotel around midnight. Since Y/n had the biggest bed in his room they all made their way there. Y/n opened the door and let his lovers in. Then he locked it and started unbuttoning his shirt while walking up to the bed. Viktor knew already what the meant so he immediately started to take his clothes off. Yuri was the one who just sat on the bed and blushed deep shade of red seeing his boyfriends get naked.

-What is it Yuri? – purred Y/n and sat down next to him.

-I-I'm a v-virgin...- shuttered Yuri blushing more. Y/n let out a deep purr and kissed his cheek.

-Do you think you're ready for your first time? – asked Y/n, not wanting to take advantage of him, not to force him into anything. After all first time was a very important matter.

-I want to do this...b-but I'm scared it will hurt...- he answered still looking down. Y/n looked at the ceiling to come up with a good solution for this little problem.

-Viktor is a bit smaller than me, so I think it would be easier to take him. – said Y/n. – I'll bang Viktor and when he will stretch you enough I will fuck you too.


Viktor kissed Yuri on the lips, while Y/n started sucking on his neck making him moan. Yuri enjoyed their hands on his body, but he couldn't help the fact that he was still afraid. It was a lot for him, during one day he got in a relationship with Y/n and Viktor, took a second place on the Grand Prix and now he was about to lose his virginity. It all happened so fast.

-W-wait. – Yuri panted out. – I can't, I'm scared.

-That's okay. – said Y/n and kissed Yuri's cheek. – We'll get back to it when you'll be ready.

-Yeah. – added Viktor. – No rush.

-Thank you. – smiled Yuri and laid down next to Y/n. Viktor laid down on the other side of Y/n and they both snuggled into his chest smiling. Y/n only wrapped his arms around their waist smiled as they all fell asleep together.

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