"Quiet down and sit down" said Aizawa.

Then they did exactly everything Aizawa said in seconds flat.

"Good it seem that you getting better at the routine and it pain me to say that some of you cause some trouble during your internship causing two new bounties" said Aizawa annoyed.

Then two bounty posters Images appeared on the board.

Then two bounty posters Images appeared on the board

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"Whoa Iida and Todoroki you guy got bounties" said Sero

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"Whoa Iida and Todoroki you guy got bounties" said Sero.

"Wow Iida you 20,000,000 not a bad start" said Kaminari.

"But look at Todoroki bounty" said Ojiro.

"It's as high as second years bounty" said Tokoyami.

"Yeah it looks like that Todoroki has the highest bounty now" said Kirishima.

"I wouldn't say that I did say that they were the only ones that got bounties but one of us got theirs increased" said Aizawa.

"Oh man that means that Midoriya bounty has Increased too I wonder how much" said Sato.

Then Aizawa change the picture on the screen to Izuku bounty.

"Hahahahahaha they kept the picture" said Sero laughing his ass off

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"Hahahahahaha they kept the picture" said Sero laughing his ass off.

"Seriously though they choose to keep the picture the same but they change it to only show your hero name and new bounty" said Kaminari.

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