Alibaba ¦ Leaving

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A young girl positioned a battered looking camera on top of a broken bed side table.

"Are you sure that works perfectly fine, [Name]?" a boy with black dreadlocks asks as he looks at her unsurely.

"We just have to wait right?" Alibaba says to his best friend and Kassim grumbles under his breath.

When the camera was positioned perfectly for the four of you, you set the timer and ran towards them. You squeezed in between Alibaba and Kassim with Miriam hugging your waist. All of you bore big smiles and waited for the camera to go off.

When you heard a click, you rushed towards the camera and waited for the photo to come out. When it did your eyes sparkled. Even if it wasn't perfect with little black blotches in some areas it still shown how close all of you are, like a family. And for you it was the perfect picture.

Grinning at them, you showed them the picture. "Look here! This picture is perfect!" they crowded around you as they looked at the picture. "That's amazing [Name]-nee!!" Miriam exclaims as she hugs you. "Ehh it really isn't broken as it looks like." Kassim smiles at the pic, "I told you!" Kassim frowns at Alibaba and sticks his tongue out.

Tears streamed down Alibaba's cheeks as he holds the picture of him and his friends. The memory gives his heart a throb of pain and he clenches his jaw as sobs racked out of him.

His thumb shakily caresses the face of a girl with (h/c) hair.

"I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry for leaving you.."

"I was too blind to see you at the brink of death..."

A/N : Hey guys,  I just wanna say that I have new one-shot book which is a Haikyuu one. I've been obsessing over them again and gave some thought to make a book to the dorks. Check it out on my profile if you want to!

Also I'll try my very best to finish the requests and ideas I've made for this book. Bye!

Redamancy [Magi One-Shots]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt