Kouha ¦ Nice

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Requested by Yukiona_Snow
I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected.

A maid of the Kou palace is what you are. A background character. Someone that people don't notice at all. But he noticed you.

You folded the used sheets and placed it near you and picked up the newly washed one and covered it over the mattress, and made sure it was secured properly.

"What are you doing here?" you flinched at the voice and turned around; the third imperial prince stood by the door, a frown adorning his lips.

"I'm just changing the sheets as I was tasked to do." you mentally patted yourself on the back when you didn't stutter at the prince. Servants usually choose to avoid the third imperial prince because of him having a twisted personality; the suspicion was always high because of his attendants' masochistic speaking. But you didn't believe that, you never did.

You always thought that you have to know them, before speaking something about them especially if it's bad. It was just like that saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover." maybe the rumors about him are false, maybe they're true but you have yet to know that.

Seeing as he wouldn't speak again, you decided to fix up his pillows and place it where you have seen it earlier.

Then you picked up the dirty sheets and bowed to the pink head prince before leaving him alone in his sleeping quarters. It wasn't as if your afraid of him, you just decided to finish your job than slack off to stare at a prince who would just return the stare.

Kouha rose an eyebrow and looked back at his door where you had walked off. 'She's not like the others.' he thought and smiled to himself.

After that day, Kouha made sure that somehow you and him would cross paths. His attendants didn't see it as a bad thing,  they even encouraged their owner to win the fellow maid's trust; they wanted a new female companion anyway.

With that whenever you did cross paths, he would engage small talks with you. When time passed the small talks became longer and later on, you became bestfriends with the prince, his attendants even took a liking to you which you deeply appreciated and returned it by dressing them up at times. That action made the three very happy so to say.

A troubled expression settled on your face as you started to clean the halls. The problem was small but it was enough to to make you lost in your thoughts.

You snapped out of it when you hear someone calling you and you looked at them and see that it was Kouha.

"[Name]." His face was contorted into a worried one which made you confused.

"Yes, Kouha-sama?"

"Are you okay?" you looked at him in surprise. Did he notice you spacing out and looking troubled? That thought made you smile up at the prince, taking him off guard.

"It's fine, you don't have to worry about it." Kouha looked unsure by the response but still gave a smile and said, "Well you can always tell me if something is bothering you." you gave him a close eyed smile and thanked him.

"Well I better go, En-nii and the others are expecting me at the meeting. Don't overwork yourself." and Kouha turned around and walked off.

The smile stayed as you gazed at Kouha's figure as it became smaller and smaller until he disappeared by the corner. You returned to your cleaning, the small problem out of your thoughts as you focused on cleaning the floor.

Even if there are rumors by the servants, you know that Kouha has this side of him. A side of him to be nice and caring to those who are under his care and you feel lucky to see and feel that side of him.

Redamancy [Magi One-Shots]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora