Sinbad ¦ Love Knows No Bounds

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Thank you @nickikicole for the lovely request!
Info: Blind!Reader


The sun crept up as the morning rays illuminated the room. Feeling the sun's warm touch on your bare skin. You opened your eyes and as usual you see white all over.

A familiar smell then invaded your nose and you closed your eyes once again and buried your face on Sinbad's broad chest.

His heartbeat calming you until you were once more lulled to sleep.

. . . .

You once again woke up when you felt fingers running through your hair.

"Good morning, my queen." You smiled as you heard the familiar husky voice.

"Good morning, my king." You said as you snuggled further into his chest, making Sinbad chuckle and tighten his hold on you.

After a while you pulled away and 'looked' at Sinbad, who caressed your cheek with his thumb.

"What is it, my queen?"

Your pure white eyes went down into a sad look, making Sinbad worry and ask you once more.

"What's wrong?"

Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as you spoke.

"I just — Why me? You clearly have women fl-flocking you that's more beautiful — that can see you... so — so why me..?" By now your crying and sobs came out from your lips.

This had shocked Sinbad and he quickly went to hug you.

"Your kindness and determination caught my attention back then.. even though you're blind you still helped around the market and worked as if nothing was wrong with you. Also the smile you always give.. how beautiful, caring and happy it was, that's what also made me fall in love with you."

"Now never ever doubt my love for you, my queen." Sinbad finished as he stroked your hair.

By the words he have said. You were finally certain that the womanizer before has changed to the man that only loves you whole, even with your imperfection.

When you finally have calmed down, you once more pulled away from his arms and put a hand where his cheek is and your white eyes 'gazed' at him with a smile dancing on your lips.

"Thank you and I love you, Sinbad."

Sinbad smiled.

"I love you too, [Name]."

He then connected his lips to yours.


Phew! Finally finished lolol also sorry for requester-san and the other readers if this is a cringe one-shot. This was supposed to be an angst but it seems I can do for the moment is semi-angst. But still hope you guys liked this!

See ya'll at the next one-shot~

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