Ren Siblings + Judal ¦ Mama

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A/N : This is inspired by my one-shot "A Child As My Husband" , though this is more of a Mother!Reader. Also the other princesses of Kou won't be included as their names aren't mentioned and only did a cameo role. Also Hakuryuu and Hakuei's older brothers won't be included as well as this was set on their death.

Rain poured outside and you looked out the window as your hands was placed over your chest. You had an intuition that something bad was about to happen or was happening.

It was something you got from your ancestors-the kings and queens of Boluvia.

Going back, you were interrupted from your thoughts when you heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Your face contorted into worry as a guard entered.

"My Queen, the princes and princesses of the Kou Empire is here." You were very surprised though you quickly hid it and nodded at the guard and followed him outside.

You were guided to a guest room and there you saw the young royalties of the Kou with their young high priest.

Your eyes widened as you saw the state they were in, you turned to the guard and ordered, "Tell the servants to prepare baths for them and clothes and please bring towels when you come back." The guard nods his head and rushed out of the room.

Giving them all a look, your gaze settled on the fourteen year old Kouen. "Kouen, may I know why are you all soaking wet?" Kouen looked at you and then to his siblings though more specifically to Hakuryuu who was hiding into his older sister's back.

"Someone attacked Kou and burned it." You gasp, you were right after all but before you could say anything the door opened and the same guard came in, holding a stack of towels.

He handed it to you and left and you gave one child each, though when you stopped on Hakuei and Hakuryuu you were very much concerned. Hakuei has her own towel, though when you tried to give Hakuryuu's he didn't budge.

You gave Hakuei a look and she mouthed 'He's hurt.' and touched her left eye, you nod at her and knelt and looked back at Hakuryuu.

"Hakuryuu." You called out but he stayed still behind his sister and you tried again, "Hakuryuu please look at me, you need to dry off a bit or else you'll get sick." You waited for a moment and you smiled slightly as Hakuryuu shifted from his sister to look at you.

You lightly gasp, though you regretted it as Hakuryuu went back on hiding behind his sister. Though Hakuei urged her brother to go to you and the youngest prince hesitated but with one look of his sister, he went to you.

You lightly dried his hair first and when you finished you went up for his scarred eye that had dried blood around it. Your eyes teared up at this and you gently scooped him in your arms, not bothered if your dress will get wet and turned to the others.

"Come and follow me, I'm sure the servants has prepared baths for all of you." They all nod and followed you out of the room and down the halls and to a huge bath room where there were sides for girls and boys.

(A/N : like in bath houses in Japan but here it's more luxurious)

You told the Kou siblings which is which and that you'll be bathing Hakuryuu on your own as he wasn't capable and he was the youngest. They all agreed and you sent them a smile before going to a private bathroom and set Hakuryuu on a stool before asking him to strip and get on the bath tub.

Of course you turned around, privacy and all. You heard the splash of water and Hakuryuu's consent to turn to him.

You flashed him a smile before getting a lavender scented soap and shampoo before scooting the stool close to the tub and sat on it.

You grabbed the bowl of water and hovered it above Hakuryuu's head before slowly pouring it, when all the water was gone you refilled it and turned to the scarred boy.

You put some shampoo on your hand and gently started to scrub Hakuryuu's hair and lavender envaded the bathroom and you saw Hakuryuu relax making you smile again.

When you finished, you poured the water on his head again and he lightly scrubbed his hair to get the excess shampoo out and looked at you with his doe eyes.

You hovered a small towel that was bathed in the lavender scented soap on his scarred eye and asked, "Is it okay for me to clean this?" He nods his head, "Y-yes. . ." He then braced himself for the pain but it never came and he just felt the light dabbing around his eye. He opened his eyes and lookes at you in wonder.

Why were you nice to them? To him? Those questions roamed his mind and he was snapped back when you exclaimed, "Done!" with a smile. Then and there Hakuryuu realized you were exactly like his mother.

You panicked as tears brimmed his eyes and went down his cheeks. "Hakuryuu I-I'm sorry did I touch it too hard? Do you want to get out of the tub?"

He shook his head no and you mentally sighed in relief but still kept a worried expression, you waited for him to calm down and when he did, you resumed on cleaning him. When you finished, you rinsed him with water again and stood up to get a towel.

When you came back, you held the towel in front of you and closed your eyes. You heard him get out of the tub and press himself against the towel to which you wrapped him in.

You opened your eyes, showing your glistening (e/c) eyes and like last time you scooped him in your arms and rinsed the water on the tub before going out of the bathroom and to the bath house like bathroom where the others was waiting, already dressed.

You handed Hakuryuu to Hakuei and asked her to change him into the spare clothes the servants brought. You smiled as Hakuryuu looked back at you as Hakuei brought him inside the changing room.

When they were gone, you felt a tug on the hem of your dress and you looked at the eight year old Kougyoku.

"What is it, Kougyoku?" You saw her face turn red and you giggled before saying, "Do you want to be carried to?" She rapidly nodded her head but before you could carry her up, a twelve year old Koumei spoke,

"But [Name]-san you're all wet." Noticing that you indeed are wet, you patted his head and thanked him before turning back to Kougyoku "Let me just change and I'll carry you." She nods and you grabbed the extra clothes the servant included and changed in the bathroom.

When you came back, everyone was there and Kougyoku's face lit up and held her hands up and you chuckled and picked her up, securing her.

"Well then let's go and eat, I know you kids are hungry." The ten year olds , Kouha and Judal cheered and quickly followed you out of the bath house like bathroom and to the dining hall with the others trailing behind.

You set Kougyoku on a chair on your right side and Kouha quickly occupied the one on your left and that left the others to pick where they'll seat.

On cue servants started placing them on the table and you all thanked them and let the kids dig in first before doing the same.

When all of you finished eating. You started to guide them to their rooms but Kougyoku protested, "Can I sleep with you instead?" Judal agreed, then Kouha, then Hakuryuu and that left the other three older siblings.

The younger ones looked at them with the puppy eyes and you let out a laugh when you saw how they agreed also.

. . .

After everyone changed into their night robes they situated theirselves on the queen sized bed. Kougyoku and Hakuryuu was on beside you, Hakuei and Koumei on Hakuryuu's side. Judal, Kouha and Kouen on Kougyoku's side.

When all was sleepy you turned off the light and before they could all fall asleep you kissed their foreheads as a good night and then you felt two small pairs of arms wrap themselves around you and choruses of good night's from them before their soft breathing were heard.

You smile once more before you also drifted into sleep.


Too much on the bathroom scene with little Hakuryuu? ^^;

Redamancy [Magi One-Shots]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora