He Is Not One Of Us

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"What do you mean he's going to help us (y/n)?? Look at him, he's a monster!"

"He is many things, Stiles, but he is not a monster."

"He turns into a furry freak with glowing eyes and claws and he's not the monster?!"

Evil as plain as the scar on his face

"Not to mention that horrendous burn covering half his fac-"


"The same one you and your pack ran away from?" Derek growled.

You stared at them in utter disbelief and horror.

Deception (an outrage!)

Disgrace (for shame!)

"He asked for trouble the moment he came!" Derek snarled.

"It wasn't his fault," you whispered.

Born in grief

Raised in hate

Helpless to defy his fate

"He was in a coma. For 6 years, Derek. After losing his entire family. He had years of pain behind him. Can you really blame him for what he did?"

Peter couldn't take it. He got up and walked out the loft.

Let him run

Let him live

"Do NOT forget that we cannot forgive," Scott spoke.

"He's a part of your pack."

"He is not one of us. He has never been one of us," Derek chimed.

He is not part of us

"We help people. He breaks them." Scott spat.

Not our kind.

"I can't believe you all!! I'm gone for a few years and this is what you do, to family?"

"Are you forgetting you were absent for the whole homicidal killing spree?"

"And that he killed his own niece, my sister, for the power of an alpha?"

Someone once lied to us

Now we're not so blind

"He started the Deadpool."

"He went crazy in a coma," you growled, slowly beginning to shift.

"And trying to kill Scott in Mexico two years ago?"

For we knew he would do what he's done

"Defend him all you want (y/n), but he's not the man you knew. He's not the man that helped you control your powers. Not the man you love-"

A fearsome growl ripped through the air, shaking the entire loft as your eyes began shifting from their natural (e/c) to blood red.

Someone once lied to us

" You were my best friend, (y/n)... You still are. I'm just trying to do what Talia wou-"

Now we're not so blind

You stormed outside, only to met with a tear-stained concerned Peter, and all your anger melted away.

You walked up to him and cupped his face, wiping his tears,nudging your noses together.

For we knew what he's done

Despite knowing all he's done, you loved him no less.

And we know that he'll never be one of us

"Maybe I don't belong," he whispered, leaning into your touch.

He is not one of us

"Maybe not. Maybe neither of us do." you responded.


"You because of what you've done."


"And me," you whispered leaning ever closer to lips.


"For loving you."  And your lips met in the most loving, and passionate kiss you both ever shared.


"Let them say whatever they wish. We have nothing to prove, my love.
You and me, together. Let's be outcasts together."  you said as you pecked his lips once more.

No one else's opinion mattered. For you knew the person Peter Hale truly was. And he was far from being the beast.



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