Acceptance (D. H)

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The loft was eerily silent. Everyone battered and bruised from their most recent rendevu - a kanima. A very dangerous one at that.

All eyes kept glancing to the beta in the corner, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, his face unreadable.

"Derek - "

"Not now Scott. It's done. You're all almost healed. Do the rest else where. Get out," he spat, everyone looking at each other with hurt expressions, but none of them protested.

How could he have been so reckless? No, he knew exactly why. It was that witch. That stupid... gorgeous, brilliant witch. Gosh she did things to him. She could play with his heart as well as she could weild her magic. And boy was he deep under her spell.

But he'd never admit it. Which is exactly why he couldn't control the wolf tonight.

He felt he was losing control of himself. That he was becoming submissive to someone else and the worst part was that he enjoyed every second of it.

And so he tried to take it back and ironically, completely lost it. Which is something Derek Hale never does.

"I thought I told you guys to leave," he grumbled, ignoring the butterflies that fluttered in his tummy at the sound of his mate's voice.

" Well, technically you told them to leave. You said nothing about me, my love, " (y/n) responded.

This whole finding out that they were each other's mates thing was complicated.

Derek tried to fight it, not liking the idea of being so vulnerable. (y/n) on the contrary, well... she was definitely enjoying this.

Especially since she knew way before Derek. Her little crush on the wolf wasn't exactly a secret.

"It wasn't your fault you know," she said gently, removing herself from the comfortable sofa, making her way towards him.

"You're right. It's yours," he said accusingly. "What?" she asked dumbfounded.

"If I remember correctly I saved your furry ass from that thing. Before you lost control and tore it to shreds. I trie-"

"All of this is your fault!" he interrupted her, turning away from his spot and started pacing nervously.

"I couldnt control it because... I just... I don't know. Ever since you showed up I knew from that moment I'd do anything to protect you. To keep you happy. I wanted to give myself to you and I didn't care that I was so enamored. I don't care that you have so much control over my emotions that that's what's terryfying (y/n)! I love you, goddammit I love you and as much as I try to fight it... I can't, " his voice broke at the end, eyes battling to hold back tears of frustration.

" Hey, " (y/n) said gently, cupping his face in her delicate hands." I understand the transition is difficult : but you have to accept it, Derek. "

" How? " he whispered, subconsciously nuzzling into her touch. "Let me in," she responded quietly, resting her forehead against his.

"It's okay to love. It's okay to want someone. To need a little comfort in a while. That doesn't make you vulnerable, Derek. It makes you human," she gently told him, thumb softly stroking his cheek.

"Or you know, whatever. Werewolf, Supernatural, or a witch. I'm a witch.
Uuuh, so I guess it makes you... Alive? I don't know, but you get what I mean," she rambled, and Derek chuckled.

She was so cute when she did that.

His rough hands gently gripped her own, as he slowly leaned down.

Their eyes both fluttered closed, (y/n) hesitating the slightest bit, giving him an opportunity to back out. Instead, he pushed forward, their lips meeting in a shy yet desperate kiss.

The instant their lips met, all the windows in the loft shattered, but neither of them cared. It felt as if everything just snapped into place.
Everything felt right.

They slowly broke apart, despite having shared one kiss, they were breathless.

Their eyes met, and for the first time in a long time, Derek smiled, a genuine, loving, happy smile.

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