Edible (Derek Hale)

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You woke up in a tangled mass of both your (h/c) hair and the sheets.

You blindly felt around for the presence that usually warms your sleepy morning self, and jolted upright when you couldn't find him.

Slowly getting out of bed, you pulled on Derek's discarded shirt, and made your way into the hall.

"Jeez, how many squirrels you have nested in their sweetheart?" Peter teased just as he existed his own room.

"Shut up satan ," you mumbled as you half heartidly hit him on his chest.

You two made your way downstairs, you were still half asleep until a shrill scream ripped through the silence.

"What the fuck Stiles? It's like five in the morning," you moaned, rubbing the ache from your eyes.

" Oh sorry, couldn't see you through that massive birds nest you have on your head, (y/n)." Peter chuckled.

"Leeeeave me and my hair alone," you pouted, making your way to the kitchen.

Derek turned around at the sound of your feet softly hitting the floor. He raised his eyebrow, but you interrupted him.

"Say one more fucking thing about my hair and I'm going to rip yours out of your skull."

"So it's fiesty, today."

He handed you a cup of (f/d) and smiled at you.

"I wasn't going to mention your hair."

"At least one of you has the decency."

"You want lunch?" he asked.


"Yeah. It's half past two, pup."

Your eyes widened as you choked on your beverage.

"Half past two?? Derek you were supposed to wake me up early today! I thought you said-"

"I know we had a date planned today. But you just looked so cute I couldn't wake you."

"Watching girls while they sleep? You're a creep."

He chuckled. His velvety voice somewhat lightening your mood.

"I am not. You're gorgeous you know that? You look like an angel in your sleep."

You giggled, biting your lip.

He smiled, seeing you slightly less deadly than you were moments before.

"And I swear your hair is perfect."

"Again with the hair!"

"I said it was perfect," he tickled your sides, making you spill your drink on the table.

"You're cleaning that up," you teased.

"I'll clean it up on one condition."

You questionably raised your brow.


Your lips met in a gentle kiss, one that completely shook the exhaustion from your form.

After a few seconds , the kiss turned slightly more passionate, your tongues caressing one another lovingly.

Derek ran his hand through your soft thick locks.

You expected it to be a loving, gentle gesture, until his hand got stuck.

You had to break the kiss because you broke out laughing.

You two only stopped when tears rimmed your eyes.

"What the hell, Hale?"

"It's not my fault your hair is so-"

You sent a playful yet threatening gaze his way.

"luscious. I was going to say luscious," he laughed.

"No you weren't," you teased, slowly untangling your hair from his hand.

"I actually was, my love. Everything about you is spectacular. Especially in the mornings.... with your flushed face, and your cute swollen lips... you're absolutely edible."

You let out a squeal and pushed him away from you.

"The paack! Can hear you dumbass!"

He only chuckled, eyes taking on a darker shade.

He lifted you up and placed you on the small coffee table.

He ran his nose along your neck, planting kisses here and there, hands making his way under the shirt you wore.

" And especially when you wear my clothes," his voice sounded considerably deeper now.

"even with your tangled mass of hair -"


"You're absolutely, inexplicably, edible," he growled, making your legs weak.

You grabbed his shirt and brought his face so close to yours, your lips touched as you spoke, "How edible, Derek?"

He chuckled darkly as he slowly began unbottoning your shirt.

"Let me show you,"

"If you did, dear nephew, I'm afraid I'd have to replace the coffee table."

Derek let go of you, as you dramatically rolled your eyes.

"And a shame it would be, becuase, I really like that table."

You rolled your eyes again. "Piss of Peter."

He smirked his annoying smirk. "Keep rolling your eyes sweetheart. May actually find a brain back there."

"What do you want Peter?" Derek practically growled.

"Well speaking of um,edible," he coughed it out, "your teenagers and I are quite... how would you say... absolutely and inexplicably... hungry."

And with that, he left.

"Why the hell does he have to make everything so bloody creepy?"

Derek laughed. "He seriously needs to get his own place."


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