Fate (Peter Hale)

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A soulmate! AU with fem!reader x Peter hale, requested on my tumblr Loki-into-villains

Warnings : smut smut smut! Angst if you squint, language.



You and Peter never got along, that much was evident.

It wasn't even about his past, the mistakes and betrayals that he made and the consequences that ensued.

You just didn't like him. And he didn't like you.

You didn't like the way he'd carry himself as if he owns the world.

You didn't like the fact that anytime something seems to go even the slightest bit wrong, he'd always have something negative to say instead of helping.

He hated how you'd always be so trusting and optimistic. He always felt you had a little too much faith in Scott.

And although he was (and he'd never admit it)  a part of the pack, he still didn't get along with the Alpha.

Peter Hale was just a chaotic combination of everything you didn't want to be involved with.

But apparently, fate had other ideas.

You sat in Deaton's office, feeling completely numb at the new found information.

Well it wasn't new. You were well aware of the possibility that the hyperactive spaz of a friend of yours might actually be right.

Stiles had noticed it first. And when Stiles thinks there's something going on, you should probably listen, knowing his history (Matt, Jackson, Jennifer, Kate, Theo and Peter on more than one occasion ).

As much as you wanted to brush it off, you knew you couldn't.

You guessed it was just the fact that you were never really prepared to find out out that the narcissistic cannibal was your soulmate.

Derek noticed it second. On the night Peter lost control.

It was a full moon, and for some reason, Peter went absolutely rogue.

The group spent hours trying to corner him, to talk to him.

He had just about scratched every member of the pack, except you.

And when no one else new what to do, you stepped up, acting on what you now could only describe as instinct, you walked right up to the growling creature and reached your hand out.

With softness you never knew you were capable of, you called to him. To the human caged within. Peter.

And from that day, your bickering was left to a minimum.

Peter became distant with you. And he always sought Deaton's help on a full moon, for fear of not controlling himself.

Which was beyond strange to you, because if anyone had mastered controlling their wolf, it would've been him.

But Derek noticed : the subconscious glances you two shared and seemed to forget ever happening, the fact that you two automatically gravitated towards each other during a meeting.

Stiles even pointed out how you two did everything to protect each other out on the playing field.

And over time, you found you didn't really mind each other's company, but preferred it over anyone else's.

Over time, you saw a softer side of him, he a much more complex part of you.

Over time the unspoken bond you two shared only grew. And before you knew it, you felt emotions, you were pretty sure at one point, you shouldn't have been feeling.

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