Pregnancy - Peter Hale

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Note: part in bold is not my idea. It was taken from another fic I cant find atm. I will credit the author as soon as i can. The rest of the work is mine.

Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, abortions, crying, not wanting to have a child, but its primarily fluff



You and Peter had a strange relationship.

Despite everything he did over the years, you and him always seemed to be tip-toeing around the circle of desire.

Neither one of you giving in anymore than with a few flirtatious exchanges.

He was the bad guy, and it more for the thrill of it than anything else.

Over time, however, the wolf changed. He tried, and his constant genuine need to mend what he broke was evident to everyone.

Eventually, they accepted him not just as a part of the pack, but as part of a family. Of their family.

And though there were still groans of complaint and eyerolls at your exchanges, you no longer felt guilty for indulging.

It was refreshing. And he was a fine specimen.

Which is why you saw no harm taking him up on his offer.


He tilted his head to the side, to appear unbothered by your potential rejection, but his eyes told a different story.

"We're friends right? Why not reap the benefits?"

3 months. That's how long you and Peter had this.... whatever it was.

And you liked it that way. At first you'd end up in eachothers beds for no longer than the sex lasted.

And then he started staying longer. Started talking more,like he wanted to spend every second he had with you.

There were several occasions where pack members and even total strangers questioned your arrangement, only for the two of you to laugh it off and say you were just friends.

You acted like a couple. It was evident that your feelings for each other grew deeper than lust.

It was un unspoken decision. You didn't have to put a label on it, and that's what you loved about being with him.

He never pressured you into anything. Never made you feel obligated to act a certain way.

The two of you enjoyed what you had, whatever it was. And it didnt matter what you were.

All that mattered was that you found peace and happiness in one another.

So you had no trouble in confronting him with your current predicament and the decision you wished to make regarding it.

"Are you sure?"

You numbly nodded, toying with your fingers as your legs swung back and fourth from your seat on his kitchen island.

His face broke out in a huge smile, eyes glinting with excitement.

"That's fantastic!!"

He frowned when you shied away from his touch.

"What if I dont want it?"

"I-im not..i dont... I dont want to."

Your eyes began to water and you suddenly felt short of breath.

"Hey, hey, baby look at me," with the lightest touch he lifted your chin to meet his blue irises.

"I... I dont want to rob you of an opportunity... I dont want to... oh no," your voice broke as you leaned into his chest for comfort.

You took a deep breath and wiped your eyes, looking right at him. "What do you want?"

He smiled gently, wiping away a stray tear from your face.

"I appreciate you asking me that, sweetheart. But i feel that the final decision lies with you. Its your body that will be changing for the next nine months, and its you that will have to make the bulk of sacrifices."

He brushed his hand over your cheek, smiling when you leaned into his touch.

"I'll admit, the idea of a child with you is an exciting idea. But the idea of being with you alone is too," he moved to cup your face in hands.

"Whatever you decide darling, I'll support you. Whether its at the abortion clinic, or in the delivery room, im with you, okay? Its your choice, and your choice alone."

You took a moment to cry and compise yourself. Sitting up straight and wiping the tears from your face, you met his gaze.

"I dont want it."

He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"Then let me make you something to eat and I'll make an appointment for us, okay? "

You nodded, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you," you said in a trembling voice.

He furrowed his brows.

"No. Dont thank me for doing what I as your partner am supposed to do in the first place. I really do appreciate you asking me what i want, but sweetheart the final decision lays upon you and you alone. You should never feel pressured by anyone to do something you don't want like this. Not society, not your family. And especially not me, " he said softly, kissing you on the nose, his eyes holding you firmly yet softly.

" If i ever did, Im not worthy of being your partner. "

You chuckled as you kissed him again.
This time it was your turn to cup his face." Good man. "

" No, " he corrected you. "Just a man."


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