My Canvas Pt3

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You giggled as he hovered over you, both of you breathless from your shenanigans only minutes ago.

"What happened to no first time in  bed?"

"I said first time," he dipped his head and ran his stubble along your neck.

"I said nothing about rounds 3 and 4,"he kissed your neck, bare chest against yours, hands running up your sides as you blossomed in his embrace.

" Round 4? Someone's overly confident tonight. "

" You didn't seem to think that when I had my head between your legs, little one. "

You blushed at that, and brought his mouth to yours, enjoying the gentle but fiery dance your tounges made.

You sighed, caressing his face you whispered," I love you. "

Words couldn't describe the look on his face, and how exactly that look made you feel in return.

He rubbed your noses together, biting his lip as he recited those words, I love you too.

You stayed like that, his godlike form resting between your legs, both his hands under the pillow your head rested upon, both your hands exploring him.

The softness of his hair, the outline of his jaw, the sweets dips and hills of his back and his adorably cute buttocks.

All the while he purred, reveling in your soft touch.

He began planting kisses wherever he could reach-- your face, your shoulders, neck and just above your breasts.

His lips ignited fire on your skin, and in turn, left a delicious warmth radiating off his lips.

Your lips met in another more passionate kiss, tongues fighting for dominance both of you were eager to possess.

You rolled him over, straddling his hips and holding his hands above his head.

"Someone's overly confident tonight," he mimicked your previous words against your lips.

Bringing you both to a sitting position,
You ground your hips into him, making him groan. "Shut up, idiot," you kissed him again, his hands running up and down your body.

You loved discovering the little noises he made. You expected him to be quite a quiet partner, but you quickly learned that if it were with the right person, Peter could be vocal.

When you bit his sweet spot on his neck, he moaned. When you bit his lip, he hissed. When you raked your nails down his chest he growled, everytime his eyes would flash blue.

And everytime it would make you giggle. He was so cute.

"What?" he giggled.

"I love this. Learning about you. Memorizing every inch of your body."

He blushed, which quickly turned into a smirk.

He ran his calloused hands up your naked form.

Breath fanning over your neck, he rubbed his stubble-ridden chin along your shoulder.

His fingers danced down, tracing the beauty that was your stretch marks.

"Every inch of you is perfect."

He kept touching you, tracing you, memorizing you.

He loved your (c/s) breasts, your (t/s) thighs, your (w/s) waist. To him, all the things you considered flaws he considered perfection.

You were an absolute work of art.

He smirked against your skin as an idea came to mind.

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