I was so surprised that today Lucas didn't say anything to me and I actually came to see his true colors.

Infront of his friends he would try and act as if he didnt know me but would try and get into my pants once we are alone.

I even smiled at his way and he didn't even bother to acknowledge my smile.

I could feel a tear dropping down as I cooked for my son who was watching cartoons on tv.

I could feel my heart hurting bit by bit with every minute that passed as I kept thinking it. I kept on thinking about how hurt I was and how I fell for him too soon. I didnt even notice it until now.

When did I become this vulnerable.

I did not notice that every time I would let him get in my pants he was breaking the wall I kept around my heart brick by brick.
Now it was too late.

I removed the pot from the stove and served Cyril and myself then called him to the dining table.

When he saw my teary face he gestured me to lift him up in my hands and when I did he brought his little hands to wipe my tears.
And that kept a little smile on my face

His head rested at the crook of my neck as he tried to hug me while I still carried him.
And refused to let me go when I wanted to sit him down so that I could feed him.

Chuckling at how he tried to make me feel  better by holding me tight I ate and when I finished I dropped my plate in the sink and carried him to the sitting room where cartoons were still playing.

When he heard the sound of cartoons he removed his face out of my neck and clapped his hands with a smile.

"Wook mama" he said and that was my cue to start feeding him and he ate while being distracted by the cartoon playing he finished the food without a struggle.

I loved it whenever he tried to talk because first of all he doesn't talk much instead he does gestures and second of all it just melts my heart hearing his voice.

When bed time reached I tucked him in and brought my laptop to try and start in some of tomorrow's work that I didn't start and the rest of today's work since we wasted so much time.

When I looked at my phone an unknown number was calling and I picked it up waiting to hear whoever was calling me daring to disturb my beauty time of labour.

I answered the phone and kept quiet.

"Seriously? Are we all going to keep breathing or are you going to ask me why the fuck I called?" The deep voice said on the other end and a small smile creeped up on me.

Well look who the cat dragged

"Well if I may ask who am I talking to?" I asked with a chuckle and waited for him to answer.

"Seriously Anaïs drop it" I could hear him sucking the air between his teeth.

"Come on Ethan just admit it
You saw me once and you are already in love with me.
Sad that I dont love you back" I said shaking my head waiting for an answer.

"My delicate heart just broke" he said deeper this time as if he was being sarcastic and he really was.

I erupted in laughter as I felt his annoyance through the call.

"So what's up?" I asked waiting to hear why he called and where he got my number.

"Can't I call to make sure my favourite person is good?" He asked and I felt him shifting.

"No you can't because if your girlfriend hears that you are calling a woman at ten pm she will flip" I said and waited for an answer.

He chuckled then laughed.

The Tangled AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now