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Bella's POV

I woke up to a cold gel being rubbed on my stomach a moment after I heard someone speak "we can't hear the baby's heartbeat yet because it's too early to hear it most times you hear the heartbeat within 5 to 6 weeks of being pregnant  however you can see right there that there is indeed a baby growing inside of her the mother, on the other hand, was severely dehydrated and malnourished I'll be prescribing some prenatal drugs to help house the baby and help bring it to term I also want to get her started on vitamins and iron everything else will heal on its own it says here in her charts that's she lost twins a month or so ago she needs to be very careful this time around once she wakes up you all are free to leave make so to schedule an appointment with her primary doctor soon to make sure she healed properly and check the progress of the baby"
I hear my mom and Gabriel say ok
"I swear when she wakes up I'm gonna handcuff  her to me," Gabriel said to my mom
"If you weren't going to do it I was trouble always seems to find my girl but she always handled it with power and grace and wisdom her father knew what he was doing when he left her in charge he knew the risk but he knew that our child is a brave and strong warrior she has fallen many times but always comes back stronger just like her father " my mom said with pride in her voice
I slowly sat up and looked around the room I saw my mom and Gabriel were the only ones in the room they hadn't noticed I was up yet
So I spoke
They both rushed to my bedside
"Hey, baby girl how are you feeling?" Gabriel asked as he kissed my forehead
"I'm sore but fine how's the baby how did you find me what happened to Juan I'll kill that fucker" I yelled
The machines in my room started to beep and make noise
The doctors rushed in 'Bella you have to calm down you're putting too much stress on your body'
I ignored them I was seeing red
"If she doesn't calm down we are going have to sedate her and that's for the baby"
I felt my moms hand on my face and she started saying peace like she would do when I was younger
I  instantly started to relax my breathing return to normal the machine stopped beeping everything was calm
"That's it my darling girl rest in the peace"
Once I was fully calm the doctor and nurses left
My mom continued to rub my face and Gabriel spoke
"Wow that was amazing"
My mom smiled "its a mother's touch"
Gabriel turned back to me "now to answer your questions the baby is fine I found you because I got some help from some old friends I assume Juan is dead I shot him and rushed over to you but I made sure to have someone to check if he's dead, if he is dead then we're going to get rid of his body but if he's alive I'm pretty sure you'd want to kill him"
I sat there a replayed what I went through and how Gabriel saved me I started to cry and said "thank you"
"Never thank me for protecting what's mine"
There was a moment of silence until Eva busted through the door
"Best friend" she ran to me throwing herself in my bed
I smiled at her craziness "Hey best friend"
"I'm so glad you are ok your boyfriend was pretty badass if I wasn't dating his brother and he wasn't dating you I would totally let him hit" she, says winking at me then Gabriel
"Me too and really I must know what made him such a badass as you put it"
She spent the next ten minutes explaining how Gabriel took charge of the mafia and how he got some people to help us and everything
I look to Gabriel with pride "baby is that true?"
"Yeah it is I hope you don't mind I know certain people are in charge when you go missing so if I messed up the chain of command I'm sorry"
"Shut up and kiss me," I said as I pulled him to me
Once we broke the kiss "a leader never apologizes for finding time to lead at the moment no one else was capable to lead so you took charge and I find that sexy and I'm so proud of you"
'We need to have a meeting when we get home with everyone"
(Time jump three days later Bella POV)
They are finally letting me go home I get to have the meeting which everyone is on edge about am I giving up my role as head of this mafia? is our mafia stopping altogether? am I kicking people out? everyone has been trying to find clues and hints but I haven't said a word
I get home and take a shower and get dressed the meeting starts in twenty minutes
Gabriel walks in our bedroom
"Hey baby after the meeting I am taking you out don't worry your outfit will be on the bed and Eva is helping with hair and makeup all you have to do is say yes"
"Yes I'd love to my love"
We walk hand and hand downstairs
Everyone stands as I enter and sit at the head spot
"Hello, everyone, there has been a lot of speculation on what this meeting is about I attend to put everything that you think you know about this meeting to rest
1. When my father died he left me in charge of this Mafia this was no mistake on his part I'm strong always have been always will be so I will not be stepping down from my spot
I looked around the room and saw a lot of relieved faces and everyone started to clap and cheer
2. This Mafia is my father's Legacy I would not dare dismantle it because of a few kidnappings here and there I have not lost my fight these attempts do not scare me as you all know I am capable to handle anything
3. No one is leaving this Mafia well at least not by my hands I am not kicking anyone out but you are welcome to leave at any time you see fit before I continue to this meeting is there anyone who wants to leave?"
I wait momentarily and no one says anything and no one moves  
Very well then now to address why I called this meeting the times I've been taken that was an error and a flaw on our part I refuse to let it happen again I place my hand on my stomach it's not just me anymore and I refuse to lose another baby from now on I want my top fighters and top men around me at all times I realize I'm strong and I've killed many of Men by myself but I need you all to protect me and if you don't want to protect me protect the heir that's growing in my stomach
Every man in the room looked like their only mission was the kill anyone who got close to me
"We swear to protect you and that baby with our life," one man said and everyone nodded in agreement
I appreciate it now if that's being all you are dismissed"
"Baby wait I have something I want to say but it's not important for your ears to hear so why don't you and Eva go upstairs and get ready and I'll meet you in a minute," Gabriel said looking excited and nervous
"Ok" as soon I stand a very excited Eva comes and pulls me to my room
"Come on come on tonight is going to be amazing," she said in a song like voice
"Eva, what's happening?"
"Like I would tell you and ruin the surprise"
"But nothing realize you are not in control right now and enjoy it" my mom came in cutting me off"
"Fine" I mutter quietly while they work on me
What does Gabriel have planned I think to myself
(Gabriel POV)

Once Bella and Eva left I turned back to the men "alright listen up tonight I'm proposing to Bella I've already asked her mother for permission and I visited her father's grave as well not so much to ask for permission being that he couldn't answer but to pay my respects do any of you not approve of me marrying Bella?"
"Okay I'm going to take your silence as you guys saying that you approve"
I told them where I'm taking her so they can witness it and for security purposes
I got a text from Eva saying she's ready thankfully I'm already dressed for the evening
I soon hear the sound of heels walking down the stairs
I quickly make my way to the stairs and the dress that I picked out for her she looks absolutely stunning
When she makes it to the bottom of the stairs my words get stuck in my throat and all I could do is stare at her
She stares back with the same intensity "Earth to Gabriel what's wrong cat got your tongue" She says with a smirk she knows how sexy she looks right now her unwavering confidence is the sexiest thing on earth to me
"God, you are so fucking beautiful
"Why thank you handsome, I assume we have to go?"
"Yeah we do let's go"  I take her hand and lead her out to the limo
"Oh a limo I should get kidnapped more often, cause the welcome home is always amazing," she said with amusement in her voice
"Bella don't joke about that for real"
Her face softens "I'm sorry baby I never thought about how much me getting kidnapped effects all of you I won't joke about it again"
I kiss her forehead "thanks, baby"
About thirty minutes we pulled up to the John Hancock building downtown we went to the observation deck which I pulled a few strings and got dinner setup right at the observation deck looking out onto the city and at sunset, I'll pop the question
I so nervous I don't want her to say no but I don't want to overwhelm her but I can't wait any longer
"Gabriel everything is beautiful thank you so much"
"Anything for you my love"
(Bella POV)

This dinner is amazing we laughed we talked about baby names and what we want the sex to be will we have more and everything in between I love this man so much
"Hey baby look at the sunset"
I turn to look at the sunset a plane flew past and it read will you marry him?
I look around to see if that could have been meant for another couple Gabriel clears his throat and I look to see him down on one knee
"From the moment I saw you I knew I had to have you in my corner you make my bad days good and my good days amazing  you are so strong, baby you have been through so much and yet you still have a smile on your face you make sure everyone else is good well now I want to make sure you are good for the of my life I love you, Isabella Rose De Luca, will you make me the happiest man on God's green earth and marry me?" He opened the box he held in his hand and revealed a beautiful huge diamond ring
I let the tears flow from my eyes
"Yes, of course, I'll marry you I love you so much"
I jump in his arms as the crowd I didn't know formed started to cheer
As we stood up Eva and my mom ran to me oh my God let me see the ring congratulations you two
the next five to ten minutes people took the time to congratulate us next thing you know there's a whole bunch of Flash and people yelling me and Gabriel's name
"Looks like we're going to break the internet tonight," Gabriel said with a smirk
"I know right hashtag Bella isn't  single anymore but what did you expect the city's two biggest CEOs just got engaged"
"Come on our night is over yet we went back to the limo and went to Navy Pier we walked around and rode the ferris wheel
By the time we got home, our engagement was everywhere I going to marry the love of my life and I couldn't be happier
"I love you," I said
"I love you too baby let's go to bed"

Oh Shit! I Married The Mafia Boss (Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now