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As I slept I dreamt of my father
" Daddy what am I going to do I failed you my mom and Eva are trapped here because of me and I don't know how to get them out"
"Shh baby girl you're smart and clever you got out the first time you can get out again and you are no failure we've been watching you on this end and  you are everything but a failure I'm so proud of you do not give up you have something to live for there's a man waiting for you that loves you and you have a children to raise"
And with that, he placed his hand on my stomach and kissed my forehead and disappeared
Dad wait no don't leave I need you I can't do this by myself
I quickly jump awake I gotta get out of here if it's  the last thing I do but what do my father mean I have children to raise I have  remember to take a pregnancy test when I leave out of here
I look around to see my mom and Eva still sleep
So I sat there and made a plan I checked my body to see if I still had my weapons and I do idiots why would they let me keep my stuff I can't find my phone though but it's fine
"Mom, Eva wake up"
They both look at me
"I have a plan, play along"
They both look like they wanted to say something but changed their mind and nodded
"Hello somebody anybody"
One of Jose's henchman came
"What the fuck do you want?"
"Now now that's no way to talk to your queen how would Jose feel knowing you said here and disrespected his Queen"
"I'm sorry ma'am what can I do for you"
"One get my mother and sister some water and something to eat and if you do anything to it I will personally kill you myself two take me to Jose now"
"Bella no what are you doing don't go to him he may hurt you" my mom yelled
"Mom relax he loves me I'll be okay I looked at her and winked telling her that I knew what I was doing"
" Please be careful," Eva said
Once he Unchained me I flex my muscles and slowly stood up "wait for me outside the door I have to make myself look presentable before I go see Jose" I said to the man he nodded
As soon as he left I quickly pulled out two knives and handed them to my mom
And looked at Eva "do you have weapons? Or  do you need something from me?"
She did a quick pat-down on herself  "I think I'm good yeah I'm good"
"Okay to eat whatever they give you drink up the water and rest cause when I get back we're getting out of here"
I turned quickly and walk out the door I walk straight to the man "alright right let's go"
(Jose POV)
I sat in my office thinking about how I can win her over cause kidnapping her twice doesn't look good for our love story and I know she was coming to my house but it would be harder for me to take her then so I ambushed them
I was pulled from my thoughts when one of my men knocked on the door "come in"
"Hey boss I'm sorry to bother you but Bella wanted to see you"
"Then why am I looking at your face let her in"
He rushed out and let her in she quickly ran in and jumped on my lap "Jose my love I'm so glad you found me" said as she kissed my cheek
I sat there and shock
"Say it again"  
"I'm so glad you found me, my love, "
I quickly kissed her and she didn't kiss back
So I grabbed her ass and she gasped and I took the opportunity to allow my tongue to roam her mouth until she broke the kiss
"My love I am really hungry and thirsty please feed me"
"Anything for you my queen"
I said as I picked her up and carried her downstairs  she snuggles into my chest as we walk but I see her looking around I hope she likes it i designed it with her in mind
Likes she was reading my mind she said "our home is beautiful Jose"
"I'm glad you like it, my love"
I sat her down on the bar stool in the kitchen and called my cook
"Hey, baby," my love said ever so sweetly
"Yes my love"
"Did someone feed my mom and Eva?" She asks timidly
"Yes they were fed only because of you my love" I kissed her forehead
To be honest I don't care if they live or die but I know if I hurt them I lose her
We eat only making small talk until I saw her face turn and she was nervous
"What's the matter, baby?"
"I just want to know what you are planning to do to my mom and Eva?"
Well I will give them an option they can join or I'll sell them to the highest bidder"
"I see well can I go convince them to be wise and chose to stay here with us," she asked
I love how pure her heart is
"Sure baby I trust you, you know where they are and when you are done meet me in the bedroom"
"Yes my love," she said getting up and walking away
Bella POV
I can't believe he is falling for this I literally want to puke every time I call him my love or kiss him but he'll of it gets us out of here I'm good I quickly make my way to where my mom and Eva is as soon as I step in I can tell they are more alert they ate  drank something that's great
"Hey mamma ed Eva come stai"
(Hey mom and Eva how are you doing)
"Buono" (good) they said at the same time
"è grandioso perché stiamo uscendo da qui stasera"
(that's great cause we are getting out of here tonight)
And with that, I kiss their foreheads and whisper "I'll be back soon"
I make my way to Jose bedroom but before I go in I notice the weapons room
I have to have a password to get in so I type I love Bella merely joking but that was the password that's really sad that this man is so obsessed with me I run in I grab two guns and two silencers I'll come back for more later I quickly run back to Jose bedroom I take a deep breath and open the door I see him completely naked laying in a heart of roses
"Oh this is too easy"
"What's too easy my love"
"This" I quickly pull out the gun and before he gets a chance to speak I shoot him in the head and in the chest he's dead instantly
I run out of the room with the gun behind my back I see two men walking in front of me I shoot them in the back of the head I run around the house for the next thirty minutes making kill shots until everyone is dead then I make my way back to Eva and My mom, I took the key and unchained them
"You did it, my strong girl lets go home," my mom said
As we walked through the house Eva spoke
"Wow you really killed Everybody"
As soon as we get outside we see a car pulling up I jump in front of my mom and Eva and pull out my gun I see Richard and Gabriel get out at the car they both look terrible I put the gun down
"Nice of you to join the party guys but the party is over let's go home"
"What do you mean?"Max asked as he held Eva in his arms   
"She killed them all we were locked in a cell and she killed them all and got us out"
All the men looked at me in awe and with pride  
I walked up to Gabriel and Richard and spoke why do you two look like death the both looked away and said nothing
Then Max spoke
"Gabriel went all bat shit crazy cause you were gone the Richard realized that he was bringing you to Hector or Jose and they fought and been stressing on where you were for three days"
I look to my mom and Eva "you mean to tell me I was out for a day in a half and you didn't tell me"
"We didn't think it was important and you didn't ask "
I shake my head and turn back to Gabriel and Richard "come here" I pull both of them in a hug "it's ok I'm ok"  I feel my shoulders getting wet they are crying "it's ok let it out I'm safe I'm ok" once they relax I say "let's go home......."
(Time jump to the flight home Bella POV)
I told everyone the dream of my father telling me I had to fight and I had children to raise and I told them how I tricked Jose into thinking I was in love with him as well I can tell Gabriel didn't want to hear about that cause his face went from hurt to anger real fast
I put my hand on his chest and whispered "please don't hate me I did what I had to do to get back to you"
His face softens " baby I could never hate you I just upset that you had to go through all that as a child and then have to deal with it again later in life but I'm so proud of you"
As soon as we landed back in Chicago we rushed to the drug store and got the early result pregnancy  test and rushed home
I ran in the bathroom took the test and waited
I stepped out of the bathroom
Well what does it say my mom asked
I'm pregnant.......
(Gabriel POV)
"I'm pregnant"
"Oh", her mom said
"My" Eva said
"God", Max said as he slapped me in the head I quickly got out of my trance
"I'm going to be a father!"
I quickly ran to her and picked her up "thank you so much" I say as I kiss her all over her face "I love you so much" I say as I begin to cry
I touched her stomach nothing will ever happen to you I say remembering my twins who didn't make it "I put that on my life"

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