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Jose/Hector POV

Yes I finally have her after all these years her father isn't here to mess up my plan I finally have the love of my life back and we will get married and she will give me an heir
to take over my business and anyone who gets in the way of me and my beautiful queen is as good as dead
I remember last time when I kidnapped her...

I showed up and Rafael's house hoping my little goddess would be there and open the door I had watched her from afar always listening to her father boast about how special she was and she was indeed special
Her mother opened the door "Hector what a nice surprise Raphael isn't here yet he dropped Bella off at a friend's house but feel free to come in" Ann said with a smile so I entered their home I can still smell her scent she smelled like innocence and strawberries
Her mother went back  to doing work around the house
"Hey, Ann is it ok if I wait for Raphael and his office?"
"Sure Hector you know where it is 2nd floor right next to Bella's" bedroom"
I could use this as an excuse to get to her room I quickly get off the couch to make my way upstairs and then I see her door that  is decorated with a crown that has Princess Isabella and it's decorated with all kinds of pictures a friend's and family I'll quietly twist the knob and push the door open and I find myself laying in her bed being surrounded by her scent I got so lost I didn't hear our father come in
I hear him open and close his office door and I guess he quickly realizes that I'm not there any makes  way to Bella's room
"Jose, what the fuck are you doing in my daughter's room?"
"Ah ah ah my name is Hector remember and you promised me if your first born  was a daughter she was mine to marry and do what I please you've always been a man of your word right, Raphael?"
"Are you serious? I was a fucking teenager and you were threatening to kill my mother now that I have that sweet little innocent girl over my dead body will I let you get to her"
I just laughed and walked out of the house quickly got to my car and called my men who had been keeping a close eye on Bella
"Yeah boss" one of my men answered
"Kill them all except my princess bring my princess to me and you and her get on the first flight to Las Vegas"
"Boss isn't she a little too young for you to try to marry right now"
I knew he was right I just didn't want to admit it no priest or pastor would marry me to a 12-year-old girl although her body was way more mature than any 12-year-old girl I had ever seen, I'm no pedophile I only have eyes for what's mine and what was promised  me
" did I say I was marrying her no I didn't now go get her and bring her to Las Vegas like I fucking told you to do"  with that I hung up the phone you'll soon be mine mi amor I thought about my love all the way to Las Vegas my man were an hour behind me so I went and make sure everything was perfect for my queen once I deemed everything perfect I texted my men telling them where to bring my and an hour later I heard the door open and I heard her little feet walking around and I smell her scent when she saw me she was confused at first but then her face lit up "hey Uncle Hector! where's my daddy?"
"Please mi Amor call me Jose"
"Ok uncle Jose"
"No mi armor just Jose and your father will be here soon let relax until he gets here" she nodded her head even though I could tell she was confused she slowly walked over to me and I held her in my lap and I let my hands roam her body as I kissed her neck she starts to move around on my lap clearly uncomfortable and too innocent to know what she's doing to my friend downstairs "oh no mi amor you have to stay still cause I won't be responsible for what happens next" clearly confused she stops what she's doing and tries to get up and I pull her back down and cut the TV on hopefully distracting her for now
Hours had passed and Bella was asking for her father constantly why did she have to constantly mention him she's really starting to piss me off
"Uncle Hector... I mean Uncle Jose.... I mean Jose when's my daddy coming again"
Something snapped and I got angry and I slapped her hard across her face she looks shocked "your father is dead stop asking about him before your mother is dead too"  she looked at me with horror all over her face without saying word she got up and ran into the bedroom slam the door shut I hear her move things around like she's barricading the door then I hear the bathroom door slam and the same commotion follows, shit I really did it now
I gave her an hour to relax and calm down and so calm myself down as well I could hear her crying and eventually it stopped
I went to knock on the door "mi amor can we talk I sorry I didn't me to scare you I'm sorry" I heard nothing in response
Then one of my men frantically ran where I was "boss we have a problem her father is here and he's pissed"
"Shit did you not take her phone, you idiot?" "it was the only way to keep her quiet on the flight boss I'm sorry"
"You will be because of you have to let my queen go back home" I quickly rushed through the house to the basement door even the escape tunnels to get to my car
You'll be mine once again mi amor
(Flashback ended)

(Present Bella POV)

After I explained it to my mother and Eva what happened when I was younger they both sat there in shock
My mom started to cry "how did I not know"
"Dad said it was handled and we didn't need to stress you out about it"
"So that's why he got so strict and that's why you stopped visiting friends?" She looked up at the sky my love if you were still alive you'd be a dead man"
" I'm sorry mom that you'd didn't know but yes after they killed the Davis family in front of me I couldn't let any more blood be on my hands I couldn't let anyone else get hurt"
"Oh, my brave strong  sweet girl, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me" my mom sobbed
It's ok you didn't know, so save your energy cause tomorrow we are getting out of here and I fell into a deep sleep
(Gabriel POV)

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE" I yelled I woke up in the hospital bed with Bella nowhere in site
Bro calm down somebody took her and they Got Eva and Ann
"I think I know who it is" Richard spoke "but first I have to tell you a story"
I sat there fuming as Richard told me about her kidnapping and how some man named Jose took her, but "I've been looking at Rafael's notes and that's just learned that Hector is Jose." Richard said clearly upset with himself
"Gabriel that's not fair you know if he knew he would be putting her in danger she wouldn't be going," Max said
I got up and stormed away "fuck it I'll find her myself"
"They quickly ran be hide me and where are you going to start huh you don't know shit" Richard yelled and that pissed me off more so I punched him hard in the face and then all hell broke loose until max stopped us
"I know you both want to find her but think what is this solving we are wasting time so focus"
He's right I got to find my girl........

Oh Shit! I Married The Mafia Boss (Wattys 2019)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon