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Bella POV
I had El Asesino and his family moved to the basement cause El Asesino has a state of the art torture room and electric shock room and I'm going to use it all he has way more torture tools than I do this is going to be fun before I get to the basement the twins Eva  Gabriel and Max stopped me
Eva spoke “I know you are about to go to a really dark place just know we are here to pull you back” I just nod my head and they hug me I hug them back and continue to the basement
El Asesino looks up at me he looks like he's just met the devil himself I smirk "I see you underestimated me but it's ok cause you are going to see exactly what I'm capable of"
I walk over to his mother
"So let's start with you cause you didn't teach your kids manners you can scream as loud as you want and maybe I'll be easy on you"
"Don't show any fear I love you, honey", her husband yells out I stop untying her and punch him so hard his head hits the wall
"Ah shit he yells that fucking hurt"
"Will you shut the fuck up it wasn't supposed to feel good" Amanda yelled
I said nothing and walked back to the mother she started to cry
“Aw don't worry it won't be that bad I could have my men rape you like your son men did to me but although we are criminals we have a moral high ground and rape isn't apart of it”I put her on the electric shock table I start at the lowest voltage she bites her lip but says nothing but she's starting to shake so I cut it up a little bit higher and she lets out a shrill scream I step back to look at my work she's shaking crying and sweating I move the shock machine and pull the table of weapons in front of me I grab a knife "somebody go get me some lemon juice"
"You see we going to play a game it'll be fun for me you not so much we are going to see how many stab wounds you can take I heard something being sat on the table I'm assuming it's my lemon juice I begin to stab her not hitting anything  major satisfied with my work I grab my lemon juice and pour it on her she starts to scream and cry I look to El Asesino to see him cry
"Please stop Bella she can't take any more please"
"Well I see you're not so big and bad now huh"
I punch his mother a couple of times and tie her back up moving on to his father and soon as I untied him he head-butted me and pushed me to the ground my men rushed to handle him but i stopped them
"You done fucked up now" I pull out my gun and shot him in his crotch he fell to his knees screaming in pain then I took the back of the gun and hit his head repeatedly until he lost consciousness
Now down to you two I walk back to the table and pick up a mallet and walk back to El Asesino smash it on his hands first and he screams then I do his ribs knee caps then I hit his crotch
Then I pull out my gun "any last words?"
"Yeah fuck you" he spat
"Still can't admit you were wrong it's ok I can fix that"
I shot him in the foot
"Now what were you saying? I couldn't hear"
He said nothing so I grabbed a whip and smacked his face arms and stomach the metallic smell of blood filled the room even more
"Ok ok I'm sorry he yelled I'm so fucking sorry"
"Yes, you are. see was that so bad?" He said nothing  "Well I forgive you"
"Really so you will let me go and get medical help for my parents"
I laughed so hard I started crying and when I stopped I shot his father in the head and his mother in the chest
"No, "
he screamed and cried
"I said I forgive you but that doesn't mean I let you go" then I raised my gun "see you in hell" and I shot him right between his eyes
I look up to see Amanda shaking in fear
"Now what am I going to do with you"
"I'm sorry Bella, please Gabriel save me, please I don't want to die"
I walk back to the table and i see Gabriel standing there
"Mind if I help with this one"
"Baby are you sure you don't have to  and all this I said pointing to the dead bodies will be on me you can still be normal and get out if the mafia you don't have to follow me"
He kissed me "I'd follow you anywhere except to a cult"
We all laughed
"Ok well you take the lead she has caused you way more stress than me"
He walks up a slaps her hard across the face everyone gasped
Then he took a knife and carved slut into her stomach
Then he finally spoke I can't believe I wasted time on you he said as he spat on her
He turned to me "baby you want to take over"
"Sure thing puddin"
"Really you think your Harley Quinn now" he shook his head and laughed
I walked to Amanda and pulled out my gun I would torture you but I'm very tired
"I ain't tired let me whoop her ass" Eva yelled "she killed my God kids"
"Well looks like Eva is up"
"Don't kill her that's my job"
She nodded and smirked
30 mins later Eva was still going and Amanda is unrecognizable
Eva that's enough and she just nodded and walked away
"I want some of you to bag up the stuff we don't have at home I said pointing to some men and I want you to find any money guns and important information and said pointing at someone else and you go get gas From the gas station
Let's go make it quick"
Everyone started running and doing what they were told
They all came back 25 minutes later saying they were ready
So from there, I shot Amanda in the legs and arms and stomach making sure she's still alive then we started pouring gas everywhere and we left the stove on and when everyone was at the front door we lit a match and drove away not looking back until the house exploded and there was nothing left....

Oh Shit! I Married The Mafia Boss (Wattys 2019)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora