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Bella's POV
I walk out of the room where Amanda is being held
I walk to the intercom and said "we are having a strategy meeting in an hour"
Then I grab Gabriel's uninjured hand and lead him to our bedroom
He's avoiding eye contact
I grab his chin making him look at me
"Baby are you ok?"
"I'm sorry I let my anger get the best of me"
I kiss his cheek "It's ok your actions are completely justified I'm not upset with you, come on let's fix this hand"
" you know I love you so much right you are my everything and I would never hurt my everything"
"I know baby I love you too"
It took me five minutes to fix his had and discover it wasn't broken but it was bleeding and swollen so I wrapped it
(Time jump an hour later Bella's POV)
Everyone sat around the table waiting for the meeting to start
I sat at the head Eva and Max sat to my right Gabriel and the twins sat to my left
I look around the room "we found
El Asesino he's in La Paz México half of you will be coming and half will stay here watch Amanda and make sure no one else attacks while we are gone we are bringing them back here and then we will kill them here"
Everyone looked like they wanted to speak but said nothing
"What?" I said seeing who was brave enough to speak
"Boss with all due respect it makes no sense to bring  them back and kill them here, kill them there and leave it because if we don't we have to worry about them trying to run it's better to just kill them there" Richard spoke
Everyone nodded showing that agreed
My mom came and put her hand on my shoulder  
"He's a right baby girl "
"Ok fine Amanda comes with us then, she made the request to see her brother die and I wouldn't know what I know without her so she comes also I'm  sending Richard and Ricardo to Mexico first find us I nice place buy it lay low to find out all you can then call us when everything is ready."
Yes, boss, they said
We all agreed they should wait till night to fly in undetected
Once the meeting was over the twins went to go pack and everyone left the dining room  and my brain spent this time to think of all that could go wrong I can't tell them not to go they want him dead just as much as I do
(Ten minutes later)
I heard someone walking down the stairs and walk in the dining room
"Boss, we are heading"out Richard spoke
I kept my back to him "ok call me when you get there"
"Yes boss" and I heard him turn and walk away from the door, a wave of emotion hit and I started to cry
"Guys wait!" I yelled as they opened the front door
I ran and hugged them, "please be careful"
"We will munchkin," they said as she hugged me tightly
They haven't called me munchkin in years
"Hey stop crying we are going to be fine"
They both kissed my check and left
( four hours later Richard and Ricardo POV)
We left the house and had a driver drop us at the private jet terminal and soon after we were in the air they said it will take nine hours and twenty-five minutes to get there so we will be there at 3 am while we were in the air we called our Mexican allies and asked for help and there were very helpful we may be able to get the house and Bella and the rest if the mafia down here in a couple of days and take a couple of days of vacation being that Ann's and Eva's  birthday is coming up so when can throw them a party in Mexico
But right now we are going to enjoy the flight...
(Time jump to the end of the flight)
We landed in La Pax we were met by one of Bella's father best friends Hector
Richard and Ricardo nice to see you again
Hey, Hector, we said and the same time shaking his hand
Follow me my car is this way
With a quick way through the airport, we were at his car in less than five minutes we are staying with him tonight we drive in silence until he spoke
"So what brings you two to Mexico?"
"Have you heard of a guy name El Asesino?" Richard asked
I have Hector kept his eyes on the road
"Well he had his men attack Bella on behalf of his sister and killed Hell's unborn children" Ricardo spoke
"He what!"Hector yelled clearly pissed about the situation  "what did Raffaele did do?"
"Hector Raffaele is dead and left everyone thing to Bella so Bella is coming here to get revenge
Well anything she needs my gang is at her full disposal and promise you won't let her leave without coming to see
We said ok and drove in silence until we got to the house
We texted Bella
T: Hey Boss we made it safe Hector says hi and you have his gang at your full disposal
B: Great I'm glad you guys are safe I can't lose you guys
T: Good cause we aren't going anywhere get some rest Bella we will talk to you soon
B: Ok Goodnight
After that we let sleep consume us thinking of the sweet girl we promised her father we would protect even if it cost our lives
(Next morning Richard and Ricardo POV)
We woke up and got ready to go the estate we thought Bella would love all though she is rich she likes simple things money has never moved her it took everything in her to accept  her wealth but even when she did she would hold back on her spending I admire her humbleness
(Bella's POV)
The twins have been gone for a half of a day and they already  have everything in place the have Intel and they found a house once they left I told everyone to pack so when they do call and say there are ready we can just leave I had to decide if we were going to sneak into Mexico at night or come in during daylight I decided that we were going to fly in early I don't want Eva and My mom traveling on their birthday
I already have an event planner working on their party in Mexico
and right now Gabriel, Max and I are headed to the mall to get all their gifts and have it sent to the house I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear max and Gabriel say come on cause we don't have that much time we leave for Mexico in four hours which means we can spend two hear and then rush home
We went to my biggest mall and we are going to shop for my mom first
(Time jump thirty minutes later)
I've gotten my mom many different outfits and purse and jewelry to match the boys and I split up was walking past a store when a saw Gabriel at the register and he looked very uncomfortable so I walk In to see what's happening
I get close enough to hear but far away enough not to be seen
The cashier is flirting so hard she keeps pushing her breast out
"Is there anything else I can get you sexy like my number and a good time in the back room?"
"No, I'm just trying to get back to my girlfriend"
"She doesn't have to know" she smirks and pushes her breast out
"I said no how desperate are you? what is wrong with you? my girlfriend is my everything she's prettier than you smarter than you and she doesn't have to  act slutty to get attention"
"Why are you being such a pussy?"
After hearing enough I make myself seen
"You're fired get out now!"
The cashier looks like she's seen a ghost
"Ms.Bella what you doing here? Did I do something wrong?"
"You mean besides forcing yourself on a customer and then insulting that same customer who just so happens to be my boyfriend?"
Her eyes got wide "ma'am I'm sorry I didn't know"
"Oh I know you didn't sweetie but you are still fired get out now and don't ever step foot in here again"
She put her head down grabbed her things and left
"So is there any place we go that you don't own," Gabriel said sounding annoyed
"Are you upset?" I said sounding amused
"No" that was all he said and walked away
"Well alright then," I said loud enough for him to hear
(Time jump to flight to Mexico)
The rest of the shopping went by really quickly and Gabriel was distant but I don't understand why,
"Bella, can we talk?" I was pulled from my thoughts by Gabriel
"Yeah, sure what's up?"
"I'm sorry if I was a jerk earlier I just have to get used to having the most successful woman in the world as my girlfriend."
"It's ok maybe I should just stop bringing you to my companies."
"No don't do that I'm so proud of the work you put in I know your father would be proud you took his work and made it bigger and successful he knew what he was doing when he made you head of everything and I never stopped to realize how all this is affected you," he said as he held my hand and kissed it
Then the flight attendant told us to prepare for landing
(Time jump next morning Bella POV)
I must say the twins really outdid themselves with picking this house it's beautiful, everything is in place for the party tonight currently I'm taking my mom and Eva out to breakfast and then shopping and then spa they have no idea about the party tonight so my job is to keep them preoccupied until one of the guys text me to tell me everything is ready.
(Time jump four hours later Bella POV)
We just finished up at the spa and I got the text saying everything was ready for us back at the house so I had my mom and Eva get ready at the spa
"Why are we dressed up Bella what did you do," my mom asked
"Nothing we are going back to pick up the guys and then going out for dinner," I said hoping I sound convincing
"Why do I not believe you?" Eva said as we got in the car
As we started driving I felt like someone was following us but just to make sure I turned right three times and they left three times and they followed everything  I did so I started to speed up and then rammed into the back of us
"You gotta be kidding me stay in the car," I say to the girls as I grabbed a gun out of the glove box
I got out of the car
To see four men getting out of the car
You better have a damn good reason for hitting my car
"Oh she's feisty and sexy we could get top dollar for her" one man said
"Yeah and her friends aren't bad either" another agreed
“Gentlemen, you must not know who I am and it's ok I forgive your ignorance”
“Sweetie, we don't give a fuck about who you are you're going to make us rich”
“Is that so sadly you won't get to see that money I said as I shot him in the chest, then other in the head then the other in the stomach and in the head then I calmly walked back to the car and drove off the car was silent until Eva broke the silence
"Ugh what was that?"
"I just saved us from becoming sex slaves"
"Wow" was all my mom said and we drove in silence until we made it back to the house
When we got back to the house I told my mom and Eva to head in I'll be in a minute
They went into the house and I heard everyone yell surprise
I put my head on the steering wheel for some reason I want to cry that was very overwhelming what if I didn't have a gun my mom and Eva birthday would have been ruined we would have been abused and raped and God knows what else
I didn't  realize I was crying until Gabriel knocked on the window and I unlocked the door he opened the passenger side door he didn't say a word he pulled me into his lap and I cried even more
"Shhh baby let it out you are so strong and so brave I know you are tired you are not alone I'm  here your family is here for you and we love you"
I didn't respond I just continued to cry and allow myself to be vulnerable five minutes later I stopped and composed myself and spoke "I wet your shirt I'm sorry"
"I don't care about this shirt I care about you do you want to talk about what has you crying?"
It's nothing I guess I was shaken up on the way back these guys hit our car and their plan was to sell us as sex slaves and I thought about what if I didn't have a gun my mom Eva and I would be a goner and I know it sounds silly but I'm so glad to be.... He kissed me and when he pulled away he said “ It's not silly you did what you had to do to survive and I'm so proud of you now let's go enjoy this party” we get out the car and walk hand and hand into the party my mom and Eva pulled me into a hug “thank you” they said but I have a feeling it wasn't about the party “of course” was all I said
I noticed everything got quite so I took that moment to speak “listen up everyone I know we are here to celebrate the life of My mom and Eva but enjoy cause tomorrow we go to war”.............

Oh Shit! I Married The Mafia Boss (Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now