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Bella POV
After my mom and Eva's party was over we went over the plan for tomorrow we know that El Asesino's gang is weakest during the guards shift change I sent five of my men in to pretend to be guards so they will be the guards that does the shift change and let us know when it clear to come in after the plan was set in motion I sent everyone to bed I, however, couldn't sleep so I walked around the house cause I didn't want to worry Gabriel
I walk past the place where Amanda is being held and I hear very faint whispers
"You did love me at one point, right? you have to help me get out of here"
"Look I just came here to speak my peace and say goodbye and that I hope you burn in hell"
She starts to cry I'm so sorry Gabriel
"So am I, I'm sorry that you are a dumb fucking slut that I fucking despise and im going to enjoy watching you die tomorrow"
"Baby, you don't mean that please we can run somewhere where she will never find us"
Shut the fuck up talking to me you fuck ugh
Gabriel yells and storms out and runs into me and I hit the floor
“Oh shit baby I’m sorry”  he helps me up “So I'm guessing me yelling woke you up”
“No, I've never been to sleep”
"well come on and let me change that"
We went to our room and took a hot shower and once we got out Gabriel spoke
*I know you are anxious about tomorrow but the plan is perfect we are all here for you” we laid in our bed until we both drifted off to sleep
We woke up early and started the plan we blindfolded Amanda and handcuffed her to the car door and now the plan was in motion my men that were posted as fake guards told it was clear so we storm in shooting until all the guards were dead my men grabbed Amanda and El Asesino and their parents and tied them to chairs
"Well well well what do we here?"
"How the fuck did you find us?" El Asesino said with fear on his face
"Well if you weren't a dick to your sister you could have hid forever"
His face dropped and looked at Amanda
And you see her smirk "Hello brother"
“You bitch I always hated you" her mother yelled
"You don't think I knew that you old bitch"
"You watch your fucking mouth when talking to my wife you fucking slut"
"Or what daddy are you going to kill me oh too late we are already dying"
"Everyone shut the fuck up I yell
*As much as I love this episode of My Dysfunctional Family I wasn't finished talking
your son and daughter killed my unborn children and someone has to pay for that which is why you are here" I said pointing at the family
"They did what?" his father yelled "honestly mama we knew nothing about this so please let me and my wife go"
Everyone in the room laughed including their children
"What's funny?" the old man asked
"You honestly think we believe he made you rush and pack to go to Mexico and burn your old house for no reason at all try again"
He said nothing else "alright you two I'll let you choose which one of your parents die first
Dad El Asesino said with a sad face
Mom Amanda said with a smirk
"I knew I should have aborted you"
Amanda laughed  Shoulda Coulda Woulda but you just didn't do it so that's your fault mother"
"I wish they would have made me swallow then I wouldn't have to be related to such a slut"
Amanda starts to cry “I'm only a slut cause you raised me I didn't ask to be here I didn't ask for you to get raped but it happened all my life you blamed me for all the bad that has happened to you so then I made shit actually happen to you so fuck all of you I don't care who she kills first"
No one said anything
"Well like I said you all are dying now I can be a fucked up person and torture you until you are begging me to kill you or it can be quick so I can get on with my life"
Screw you El Asesino spat at me
Well you just answered how you are dying

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