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Gabriel POV
I know what you are thinking really Gabriel a promise ring what are you in high school?
Listen if I would have proposed now she probably would have said no she has too much going on and plus  I don't want to see her stress over a wedding when she has to find El Asesino remember I want to be the solution and not the problem ok now that I explained why I didn't propose now time to tell what happened after I gave her the promise ring
I promise to hold you up and be your strength when you are weak
I promise to love you even on your bad days
I promise to fight for you daily
I promise to shower you in love and be your peace
I love you, Bella, will you accept this promise ring as a confession of my undying love for you?
We hugged and kissed and cried in each other arms
Then her mom came up "the food is getting cold come on let's eat" and we walked in the house the whole gang sat down said grace and ate everyone was having different conversations
"So has anyone heard anything about the whereabouts of El Asesino?" Bella asked everyone shook there head "it's like he just vanished," one of the men said
"Well I can make him reappear I have his sister," Bella said and I got the perfect idea
"Baby come with me," I said pulling her to the basement  
When we stood outside of the room  where Amanda was I turned to Bella "you know you are beautiful right?"
"Yes,"  she said giving me a small smile but her eyes tell me she's trying to convince herself  she's always been very confident but after the attack, I see the way she looks at herself in the mirror her body covered in scars and bruises I'm about to change all that right now
I kiss her and grab her hand and walk into the room
I could see Amanda delusional ass was about to say something
"Shut the fuck up" she jumped and closed her mouth
"Now I'm going to show you and tell you why this gorgeous woman is always going to be better than you and why I thank God every day that you cheated on me and I found her"
I turn to Bella "Do you trust me?"
" Of course I do," she said smiling at me
"Ok well strip for me"
I see her hesitate at first but then she smirks and strips
She steps out of her pants and throws her hoodie next to her pants
I circle around her body licking my lips when I say
"You see Amanda even with all these scars your hitmen put on her beautiful body she still is confident in who she is you don't see her with makeup caked up on her face and as much as I'd love to make you sit here and watch me get her pregnant again but I won't do that you don't get to witness the magic and pleasure that we experience during lovemaking  you don't get to experience real love cause you are a heartless bitch"
I see Amanda starting to cry
"Awe sweetie what's wrong why are you crying I haven't even gotten to the best part yet, you see this long scar on her stomach that's where they cut her and took my dying babies out"
I bent down and kissed the scar
"Gabriel, I'm sorry I didn't know she was pregnant if I did I would have held off until they were born then did the attack"
"You think that makes it better you were always a selfish bitch you just can't stand the fact that I'm over you I never understood why I wasted my tears on you" I yelled and Amanda continued to cry I never condone hitting a woman no matter what she did in the past but I'm tempted to make an exception to that rule I'm so angry I could just ahh I punched the wall next to her head I'm sure I just broke my hand and I felt Bella hug me from behind and instantly all my anger is gone I can tell that in the midst of going back and forth with Amanda she got dressed I got so angry that I forgot the purpose of this meeting
I looked at her one more time "you could never heal me like this" I said looking at her with a disgusted look on my face
"Baby relax let me take over" Bella whispers in my ear and kissed my cheek
I just nodded my head and kissed her back and sat in the back and watched
(Bella's POV)
As I stood there half naked I listened to Gabriel and Amanda go back and forth she started crying and I almost felt bad for her I said almost
"Now, Amanda, we need to have a talk"
"What do you need?" She asked still shaken form Gabriel's outburst
"Where's your brother?"
"Why should I tell you anything? You have the person who spearheaded the attack so do what you will to me but you will never get the rest of my family I've betrayed them enough."
"Ahh the bitch is back you are going to wish you never said that" I said as I walked to the table with all my torture instruments on it "let's start simple and work our way up shall we" I garbed a small knife and carved the word killer into her stomach her screams filled the room
"This could all go away if you tell me where your brother is"
She spits on me "go to hell"
'Right after you, "I said wiping my face and smack her hard across her face
"Come on tell me he clearly didn't care enough to save you I knew he had men at the hospital so what did he do pack up and move but he left you all alone why is that someone like him doesn't deserve your loyalty sweetie"
"He does if it wasn't for you and your goon squad we all could have gotten out but you forced his hand," she said trying desperately to convince herself
I laughed "let me teach you something about loyalty sweetie" I walk over to the intercom that connects to the whole house "can Eva Richard and Ricardo and Max meet me in the basement please ASAP"
Less than five minutes later everyone that I asked walked in
I walk over to the twins " so gentlemen wouldn't you say I've been running this Mafia for quite some time now almost a whole year right?"
"Yeah that's right," Richard said confused
"Ok think back to when my father was still alive and running things if we had gone to war with another Mafia and I wasn't home and we have to leave town what do you do A. leave me to fend for myself or B. Find me whenever I was and bring me with you?"
"B." Richard and Ricardo spoke at the same time.
I nod and move to max
"We've grown quite close since you joined my mafia yes?"
"Yeah we have," Max said glaring at Amanda
"Is it safe to say you'd take a bullet for me?"
"Of course," he said without hesitation
"Why's that?"
"Cause although I haven't been here long you look out  for me and if I had to take a bullet for you I would"
I nod and move to Eva
"Eva what if I was getting jumped by six girls and I couldn't  fight all of them what would you do?"
"It's going to turn into a WWE women's tag team match you fighting I'm fighting"
I nod and turn to Amanda  
"You see this is my family and although we are not blood they loyalty is to me but your blood brother left you and you think it's ok, now I'll make a deal with you if you tell me where he is your death won't be painful and I won't torture you until we get them here"
"No fuck you"
So I continued to torture her for the next hour and then I realized I had her phone and while she was unconscious I kept it unlocked I looked and the last can she made it had to be him and so I called
EA: what the fuck do you want Amanda I'm surprised you're not dead yet
B: wow what way to talk to your sister that's kinda mean now I really don't see why she protecting you
EA: Bella you have Amanda
B: yes I do but he cut me off
EA: perfect well you have your killer not sure what you want with me
B: you know exactly what I want those were not her men from her mafia they were yours you gave the order and now you all must pay
EA: Well good luck trying to find me and I don't give a fuck whether she lives or dies she's nothing but a trader who got us into this mess
Then the line went dead
"Wow, that's the man you are protecting"
Amanda started to cry "he left me here on purpose and he left and went to Mexico and he doesn't care if I live or die I fucking hate him can you do me a favor and kill him in front of me he deserves to die he's in La Paz in Mexico he has a gang house there"
"Well looks like we are going to Mexico..........."

Oh Shit! I Married The Mafia Boss (Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now