"Come here you little baby..."

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Requested by: emz353
Driver: Lando Norris
Plot: Comforting him after his Chinese DNF

Lando had finally made it onto your favourite team. Ever since you were little you used to watch the McLaren drive around tracks all around the world and it was thanks to that team you met your boyfriend who was now one of the drivers of the team. How it had gotten to be that way, neither you nor Lando knew, but you were thankful for it nevertheless. 

The Chinese Grand Prix would be the second Grand Prix you would attend. The first one was Lando's debut in the highest class of Formula racing and you couldn't have been prouder than you had been that day. He did great then as did he in Bahrein, but now his second race, he was even more set on showing what he was capable of. He was getting comfortable in the car and if he could do so well in his first two races, who would say he couldn't do even better. Also, you were there, he wanted to impress you even more than he had done in Australia. 

So there you were, walking through the paddock with your fingers intertwined with your boyfriend's. You looked at him, a smile decorating your face. He had once told you the one line you hated. You were in for cheesy pickup lines and quotes, but you hated the one that said 'a smile is a girls prettiest jewel'. You didn't know why you just hated it and Lando had laughed at it. 

"Well, for you it is most certainly true, nothing can beat that stunning smile of yours." He said to then tenderly kiss the lips that could curl up in that smile he so loved.

"What are you smiling at?" He chuckled as he leaned in to kiss you. "And when are you going to stop wearing heels?" It made you laugh as he had to look up to you. You loved wearing heels. You weren't one of those typical 'girly' girls, but when you would go out, you liked to dress up a little. Heels included, much to Lando's dismay as you were now a little taller as he was just not that tall with his one meter and seventy centimetres. 

"The day you decide to start growing again." You winked. "But I have flats with me, so I guess I can put those on when we get to the garage."

"Good, I hate it when I have to look up to girls." He whined and then stood on his toes to try and tower over you again, but the only effect it had was that he now was just as tall as you were. "As I said..." He dropped down on his feet again. "I hate it..." You kissed his cheek and the two of you walked into the garage. 

"You get ready, I'll change my shoes so you can be the taller one after the race again." Lando chuckled. 

"You are the best thing that has happened to me." You huffed. Then you were. "I'll see you." He gave you a quick peck on the lips, but you pulled him back before he could leave. 

"Please be careful." You whispered as you hugged him as close to you as you could. Even though you loved that he was a driver for your favourite team, you were also scared as hell something was going to happen to him one day. 

"I will." He pulled back, looked straight into your eyes, looking right through you and seeing your biggest fear. He promised himself then and there he would do everything to keep that from happening. 


He was stood on the grid, the lights coming on one by one. He steadied his breath, focussing fully of letting his clutch go as soon as the lights went out. When they did, he was quick to get off the line. The first few corners were going great and he had a steady pace through all of them, when all of a sudden, he was up in the air, he gasped, fearing he would land upside down, all while thinking of what he had told you. He would be safe, he would have to be, for you. 

From your comfortable spot in the garage you watched the start, cheering Lando on with excitement (and Carlos too though you didn't tell Lando that or he would get jealous). You were smiling until Kvyat drove into Carlos and then into Lando, almost throwing the brightly coloured McLaren upside down. Your heart clenched together and your breath hitched in your throat. You didn't care what was going on, just as long as you would get to hear his voice over the radio telling everyone listening he was fine. 

"Come on Lando, you promised." You anxiously bounced your leg up and down, until you heard the words you wanted to hear so badly. 

"I'm okay..." He sounded devastated. His car was in an awful state and he had no other option but to come into the pits for at least a new front wing and a brand new set of tires. 

"Are you okay?" Next to you, was sat Lando's PR who knew how much his safety meant to you. "You look awfully pale." She handed you a bottle of water which you gratefully took. Your heart was spiking and you tried to get it to slow down again, but were slightly failing to do so. It had really freaked you out. 

Even though you already hated the race, you didn't like watching Lando's car limping back into the pitlane just three laps before the checkered flag, especially after Lando took off his helmet and looked devastated. 

He had a dozen things to do first before you could have a proper talk with him, but you quickly caught him as he got changed out of his suit. 

"Hey..." You softly said. "Are you okay?" Lando spun around on his heels, facing you as fast as he could. He wrapped you up in one of his bearhugs. 

"I'm sorry."

"What for? It was none of your fault."

"I promised I would be fine." Your heart skipped a beat at how adorable he was. 

"And you are, right?"

"But..." You chuckled softly. 

"No buts Lando, you are alright so I don't care what happened."

"The team will." You rolled your eyes, Lando had the gift to blame himself for everything because, in his eyes, someone would always find him to blame, so he thought it better to do it himself. 

"Stop saying that!" They a sudden glimmer of mischief shone in his eyes. 

"You need to stop wearing those heels as you said you would do." He started to pout. "That's what makes me most sad at the moment." You huffed.

"Come here, you little baby." You pulled him close to you, smiling as you rested your head on his shoulder. 

"But you love me for it." He whispered and you did. You loved him for who he was, childish behaviour included. 

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