Toilet paper (Lando Norris)

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Here I am again with a one shot :) It has taken me a while, but I hope you like it. This one wasn't really requested by anyone, but I decided to make a one shot about it because  and I had so much fun thanks to the video of WTF1 in which Lando gives them a tour of his house, so please enjoy the one shot and the video I will enclose!

With your luggage on one hand and your phone in the other, you scanned the station for the one person you were looking for. Your parents didn't live in the same city as you did so you travelled there every now and then to spend time with them. The reason you were alone this time was that your boyfriend had a race to attend, which you watched with your parents on tv. 

"There is my little..." You screamed as someone whispered in your ear. You turned around and started laughing. "Did I scare you?" He had an innocent smile playing on his lips, but his eyes were glistening. 

"You little son of a bitch." You smiled and kissed him.  The two of you lived together for a few weeks, both ready for the next step in your relationship as you had been dating since you were both fifteen. 

"Shall we go home, my lady?" Lando asked you and you nodded. With your fingers intertwined you walked to his car, ready to go home after a long week. As always, your parents had the entire week planned, doing things with their daughter was something they loved to do and the only times you got to sit down was while eating and during the race, the rest of the time you were doing activities with your parents. "I hope you don't mind, but the guys from WTF1 are coming by tomorrow. They wanted to shoot a video with me and I promised them a tour of our place." You chuckled. 

"I am totally fine with it Lando, you know that. Have you warned them the whole house is still a mess?" I look at him. "We have simulators and bikes all scattered throughout the place, we haven't decorated the place properly and I am wondering what I will find where when I get home." Lando sheepishly laughed. 

"Don't be silly..." He said, putting your luggage in the trunk of the car before getting behind the wheel and bringing the engine to life. "The house is exactly the same as when you left." You chuckled as you found it hard to believe. Lando could be quite the... Let's just say he didn't really mind when everything around him looked like a total mess. 

"We'll see I guess." You said and Lando took your hand as he drove through the familiar streets to your place. When you got there you took your bags and got to the bedroom. It was already pretty late so you and Lando immediately got ready to go and sleep. 

"This is so much better than having my father snoring in the next room." You said, snuggling up against Lando. "Plus it was cold not having you beside me." You looked up, a playful grin on your face. 

"Are you implying anything?" He asked. Lando knew exactly what you were aiming for, but he wanted to hear you say it. 

"Can't you take me with you next time? So I don't have to go to my parents for a whole week alone again? We'll just plan our visits around your schedule." Lando chuckled, kissing your forehead. 

"We will see when you'll visit them next time if I can come along."

"You better." 

"Now go sleep." You closed your eyes, listening to Lando's breathing pattern. It was calming, having him beside you, feeling his body against yours, his fingers tracing patterns on your back. 

"If you want me to sleep, will you please stop distracting me?" You asked him which made him laugh loudly. "What?! It is true!"

"I bet you slept better when you were at your parent's."

"I didn't, but you don't make it very easy for me either." 


Downstairs someone rang your doorbell and you groaned. 

"At what time would they come?" You asked Lando. 

"Not this early..." His voice was croaky and you looked at the time. 7 o'clock in the morning. You groaned when the doorbell rang again. You got out of bed and took one of Lando's sweatpants to quickly put on. You looked out of the window and saw a van from the Ikea standing there. 

"Did we order anything from the Ikea?" You asked him with a frown on your face. "Or is this the shoe rack we ordered two weeks ago?" 

"Could be, no one has delivered it yet." You sighed and quickly ran down the stairs before they would leave. You opened the door. 

"Hi, a delivery for this address. Missus Norris? If you could sign here." You felt your stomach do summersaults. 

"Oh, yeah sure." You signed and the man handed you the package. "Thank you." You closed the door and turned around. Lando was standing on the last step of the stairs and had a loving look in his eyes. 

"Missus Norris... I quite like the sound of that." You chuckled. 

"Who knows when I will attain that title." You pecked his lips and moved to the kitchen where you opened the fridge. It wasn't a surprise to see a whole load of milk in there along with a lot of salad. "Lando? Have you been grocery shopping?" 

"Yes, you asked me too." 

"Did you see my shopping list?" Now it remained quiet. "That explains why there are no proper products to use for a proper breakfast." You joked and winked at Lando. "Well, let's have some oven-baked bread." You moved to the oven to preheat it when something caught your eye. "Lando..." You asked, a confused look on your face. "May I ask you why on earth you have put the toilet paper in the oven?" You looked at him. "I told you I was curious to what I would find where and this is exactly what I meant!" You exclaimed. "Who puts toilet paper in their oven?! Well, you obviously..." Lando chuckled and placed his arms around your waist. 

"I have no idea to how it got there..." You gave him a look with your eyebrows raised. "Okay, I do know. I didn't know where else to put it..."

"Anywhere else but the oven!" You exclaimed. 

"I know..." Lando chuckled and you shook your head in disbelieve. 

"You are weird, you know that right?" I ask him, looking him into the eye. "I mean, who puts toilet paper in the oven." Lando kissed you. 

"I know, stupid of me to do so, don't rub it in!" You laughed. 

"Fine, you do have to make it up to me for it though. You can put the shoe rack together all by yourself. After you have made me breakfast on bed." You grinned and kissed his cheek before finding your way up the stairs to lay in bed again. You chuckled to yourself. Toilet paper in the oven, things like that only made you love Lando even more than you already did...

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