stressed? (Sebastian Vettel)

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Okay, so I completely forgot I had this request, I am so sorry, but I hope you still like it VettelFerrari!

You walk through the exit of the building you work in. You are working long hours and now your boss has decided you are doing such a good job, so he thought he can give you some more things to do. You sigh and get into your car. You see the mess in your car and make a quick note in your head to clean it up later, another thing on the long list that is only growing bigger. You start your car and start to drive towards the home you share with your boyfriend, or at least, when he is home.
"Shit..." you mumble. Sebastian is coming home tomorrow and the house is just like your car one big mess. You will have to clean it up before you can go and sleep. You inhale deeply and when you open the front door you get in and place your bags right beside the door. You walk toward the living room where you start to assemble all the dirty dishes and in the kitchen you put the ones that still fit in the dishwasher in it, you put it on and the rest you wash by hand. When you are finally done you move on to cleaning the dinner table from paperwork and a single magazine. You find things you lost and you neatly place them on the places they should be, then you go back to the living room again and do exactly the same thing as you did with the dinner table. You look at the clock and you see it is already midnight, you haven't had dinner yet and you still have to vacuum, clean the tables and then do some things for work. You start to feel the tears burning behind your eyes, but you ignore it and you take a cloth from the kitchen, making it a little wet and you start to clean the tables. Then you start to vacuum and while you do so you start to feel that your eyes are getting heavy. After an hour you have vacuumed the whole house and after another ten minutes, all the laundry that was spread across the house is in the washing machine and you start to fold the cleaned clothes. You sit down on the couch with a huge pile of clothes and you start folding, but you never make it to the last piece of clothing as you fall asleep.

"Y/n." You hear someone say and you growl in annoyance. Can't he just let you sleep piecefully? You hear him chuckle. "Y/n, come on wake up." You growl once again, but you do open your eyes. You look straight into the bright face of Sebastian and you instantly start to smile. "Morning princess." He says and his accent sends a shiver down your spine.
"Morning." You mumble as you stretch your arms and legs.
"This was a lovely welcome." He says and you chuckle as you accidentelly hit him in the face while stretching your arms.
"Sorry." You say and you stand up to give your boyfriend a welcoming kiss, but before your lips touch you see the time from the corner of your eyes. "Wait!" You shout and you scare Sebastian slightly. "Is it really eleven o'clock?" You ask and you pray it isn't.
"Yes why?" Sebastian asks confused.
"Work that is why!" You look at your clothes and you start to panic. "My boss is going to kill me!" You run up the stairs and take some fresh clothes from your closet.
"But I thought you would take a day off for today, you told me you would try to get it all arranged!" Sebastian says quite disappointed, but when he looks at you and sees that you are so stressed you can't even manage to get dressed properly he smiles slightly.
"Well, I did try, but it didn't work out, no my boss knew you were coming home today, but he still gives me another task to do yesterday and now I am late because last night I had so much to do..." you ramble and then you feel Sebastian's hands taking hold of your wrists.
"Y/n, look at me." He says when you start to try and free yourself from his grip. "Stop stressing! I'll call your boss to tell you are sick and won't be coming to work for at least a couple of days, because you are going to rest for a while." Sebastian says and you want to protest, but Sebastian doesn't take no for an answer, so you agree eventually. He makes you get ready for bed and you do as you are told. In the meantime Sebastian is on the phone with your boss, and from your face you can see that your boss isn't very pleased with you, because Sebastian isn't very pleased with your boss. When Sebastian is finally done calling you are already in bed. "Now, I am going to make you a cup of tea and some breakfast so you can eat it in bed and you can relax for a while, maybe I will massage you later." He says and winks. You nod and Sebastian walks out of the room, leaving you behind with a smile on your face. You have the cutest boyfriend in the world. Even when he comes home for a while and gets to take a break from his crazy busy schedule he still puts you first, though he must be exhausted himself. You feel your eyes closing and soon you start to drift of to sleep, but before you are completely of this world you feel Sebastian laying down beside you, placing his arms around you and kissing your forehead, so you fall asleep with a smile on your face.

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