More than just a night out (Artem Markelov)

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So... This one was requested by DannyRicc17, I hope you like it!

Please enjoy!

You and your best friend, b/f, walked into a club. It was her birthday, so you let her pick what you were going to do that night. She picked going to a club and you agreed on going with her. You hated the atmosphere and the other characteristics of clubs so you made her promise not to leave you alone, or not for too long. 

So there you were, in a club, a drink in your hand. 

"Come on, let's go dance!" You groaned.

"No please! You made me wear these ridiculously high heels!" You begged but it was of no use. She dragged you along and because of the heels you were wearing, you had to walk after her or you'd fall. With your drink still in your hand, you started to move a little on the rhythm of the music which was playing.

"You see! You are doing fine!" You chuckled and finished your drink, already feeling the effects of the alcohol. to be fair, you were a horrible drinker, after three drinks you would be drunk already, not really bad, but just enough to call you drunk. You danced for another thirty minutes before b/f came closer to you to yell something in your ear. 

"I am going to get another drink, do you want too?" You shook your head, you didn't feel like getting drunk that night since b/f probably would and you wanted to arrive home safe and sound. "I'll see you in a sec!" You moved to the edge of the club a bit so you wouldn't be that person that dances on her own, but you could still see b/f.

"Hi." You looked beside you where a very handsome, to say the least, young man was standing. He was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt which showed his tattoo on his left arm. "Are you here along?" He asked and you tried to guess where he came from by his accent, thinking it would probably be East European.

"No, I am with a friend, but she is currently getting herself a drink." You looked at the bar where b/f had been just a minute ago. "But of course she had to disappear..." The young man chuckled and the sound of it made your knees go weak.

"My name is Artem." You smiled at him, this made the whole night a whole lot more fun than you thought initially.

"Y/n." You shook his extended hand. "Are you here along?" You asked him his own question with a wink. After all, he was standing there with just her.

"No I am here with a teammate, but we split up at the beginning of the night."

"Did he also disappear into thin air?" Artem laughed and nodded. "But wait, teammate?"

"Yeah, we both drive for the same team. I am a formula two driver." You started to laugh. "What's so funny?"

"My friend took me to Baku to see the race. She absolutely loves motorsports, but she didn't want to go alone." Artem chuckled again. "Wait, you said your name is Artem right." Thanks to the drink you had had everything was your head was processing everything a little slower than usual. He nodded. "She absolutely loves you too then." You looked around the club to see if you could find her. When you did, you saw she was overly excited talking to a guy. "Is that your teammate?" You asked and Artem looked in the direction you pointed.

"Yes, and let me guess, that is your friend?" You nodded. "Since she is having so much fun, shall we have some fun ourselves and go for a dance?" You blushed. If anyone knew how to reject a dance with a handsome guy like Artem you would like to know as your feet were already killing you and the alcohol in your blood didn't help either. However, you accepted his hand and the two of you started dancing and to your own surprise you didn't even look clumsy, well you hoped you didn't.

Artem smiled at you and you smiled back. Even though you had just met, you had taken an instant liking to him.

The whole dancing thing went well until you twisted your ankle because you set your foot down wrong and your shoe made you fall. Artem was just in time to catch you to prevent you from falling.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worry clearly visible on his face. You wanted to say yes, but the tears in your eyes gave away the fact you weren't. "come, my hotel is just around the corner. We can put some ice on it there." You agreed and Artem helped you to walk out of the club. When you were outside, Artem stopped. "Why don't I give you a piggyback ride? That'll be faster." He crouched down onto his knees so you could easily climb onto his back. "Are you okay up there?"

"Yeah, it still hurts though." On a high pace, Artem walked to the hotel and it took around four minutes to get there. He walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor.

"You might not be heavy, but when there's an easy way, I'm taking it." You laughed softly.

His room was pretty spacious and while you sat on his bed, your back against the wall and your foot on a pillow, he got some ice out of the freezer which was in the room. "Better." You smiled at him.

"Much better, thank you." You took your phone out of the back pocket of your white shorts. "I'm just going to text my friend I left." You told Artem when you saw him looking at you. Artem nodded in respons and he lifted the ice of your ankle for a little.

"It is swollen quite a bit, I think you might have sprained it." He placed the bag back on your ankle again. "Could you maybe ask her if she's still with my teammate?"

"Of course, it is the least I can do."

You: Hey, I left because I sprained my ankle. Are you still with the driver you were talking to? Artem's teammate?

You didn't expect to get a reply anytime soon, so you didn't expect you got one right away.

B/f: Smartass... And yes why? Wait... How do you know it is Artem's teammate without knowing his name?

"She is still with him?" You told Artem who was now sitting next to you, a laptop on his lap.

"Could she maybe tell him I left too?"

You: Could you tell him Artem also left?

B/f: He is with you?! You lucky little bitch. Where are you?

You: His room.

B/f: Told him. I am taking Taduske to our room then!

You chuckled and showed Artem the text.

"It seems like I have you all to myself then." He said with a small smirk on his face.

"I guess so." You looked at him with a smile on your face. You didn't mind.

"Shall we watch a movie or some sort?" You nodded and looked at his laptop on which Netflix was already on. "Have you ever seen 'Arrow'? I was told that is a very good series." You shook your head.

"It has been on my to-do list for months, but I haven't started yet." Artem clicked on the first episode.

Little did he know, nor did you, that all the series of the 'Arrowverse' would be what you would watch whenever you were together and he had some time off, which turned out to be quite often.  

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