heartwarmingly adorable (Lando Norris)

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Requested by: Anonymous
Driver: Lando Norris

Well, to say the least, Bahrein was a good race. For you at least, you were sure there were plenty of people who hated it and yes, you felt sorry for Charles who you knew quite well, but you were mostly happy. You were thrilled by Lando's result. He did such a great job in only his second race finishing sixth. 

"I am so damn proud of you!" You nearly yelled when you finally had the time to properly give him a hug. "What did you eat this morning?" I joked. 

"Just some porridge." We laugh and I hug him again. 

"I'm so proud." I look up to him to see him smiling down. "Charles who? He became sixth in his fourth ever race in Formula One race? Impressive, it took my boyfriend only two." Lando shakes his head, but the proud smile on his face tells me that it makes himself proud as well. "And this time there weren't that many non-finishes. Nothing against Charles though, he is a great driver."

"It's nice to hear you think I'm better than Charles." A boyish grin was tucked on his lips. "But right now all I want is food and a bed. And maybe a movie or two." 

 "First, you have some press duties to fulfil." Lando's press officer walked up to you and Lando and Lando sighed deeply. 

"Right, the part of the sport they can take away without me complaining one second."

"Come on Lando, you love the attention." You teased and jabbed his side with your finger, making him squirm.  

"I much rather prefer your attention, but the media does give a good alternative." While he walked away, you shook your head. He was an absolute dork, but that was probably why you fell for him. His good heart, of course, helped a lot in the matter, but his inexplainable sense of humour and the dorkyness he had around him were some of the things that made you fall the hardest for the young Brit. 

You didn't feel like waiting for too long here at the track, so you decided to go to your hotel room and wait for Lando there. You would pick a few movies, get some snacks and make sure Lando would be comfortable the second he would lay on your bed. It was a habit the two of you had when you were children and you would join Lando to one of his karting races. Afterwards, you would stay the night at your best friend's house and you would watch movies until you would fall asleep on the sofa. Why his parents let the two of you do that you had no idea, but it was something you still did. 

You waited and waited and eventually decided to watch an episode of a series you had recently started until Lando finally got to your room. You had sent him a message he should go there instead of his own, knowing he would understand why. 

You had gotten changed into a much more comfortable outfit which consisted of one of Lando's sweaters and some sweatpants. Over the years you had collected so many of Lando's clothes that you took some of them with you so Lando had something comfortable as well. 

"I am destroyed." Lando let himself fall onto the bed and you chuckled. You moved closer to him and started fiddling with hair. Lando who seemingly enjoyed it as he let out soft moans. When you stopped, you gave him a soft kiss on his head. 

"Come on, get changed, then you can cuddle up to me and get comfortable." Reluctantly Lando got up to get changed. "Come on, I'll set up the movie and some snacks." Finally, Lando started to move a little faster than a snail. Again you chuckled and set up a movie that was still on the list for you and Lando to watch. Then you got the snacks you had bought ready and planted yourself back on the bed. As you pulled your hair back into a ponytail, Lando laid down beside you and crawled under the covers. You cuddled up against him and started the movie. You were captivated by the story, but Lando was too tired to sit through an entire movie. So halfway he fell asleep. 

When you looked up because you thought you had heard him snore you smiled and stroked his hair from his forehead. It was probably one of the best and cutest sights in the world: a sleeping Lando Norris. 

You continued watching the movie until somewhere close to the end, a woman in the movie started crying and Lando shot up. 

"Are you okay?! Is everything..." He stopped talking when he saw your startled and confused face. "You're not crying..." He mumbled and you shook your head. 

"No, I'm not why would you think I was?"

"I thought I heard you cry. I'm sorry, I must have dreamt it." He scratched the back of his neck. When you looked back at the tv, trying to make sense of it all when you started to chuckle. 

"Someone on tv is crying, didn't you hear that?" Lando now listened to the crying woman on tv and started laughing. "It was, wasn't it." He nodded and you laughed as well. "You are adorable." You cupped his face with your hands and you kissed his nose.

"I'm not. I just thought you were hurt, I never want to see you hurt."

"And that right there Lando, is what makes you so heartwarmingly adorable." You kissed him as you felt his arms pull you closer to him.

"Well, if you think so and can live with it." He grinned. "Than I'll be fine with being called adorable." 

"You don't have to lie about not like being called cute, because deep on the inside you love being called adorable." Lando laughed, making his chest rumble against yours. 

"Well, I do know I love you." 

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