Test (Stoffel Vandoorne)

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This one was requested by Xclinapxh288 I hope you like it!

"Stof..." You laid in his arms, feeling the warmth of his body and the thick blanket on top of you. The weather was awful and you wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day, but unfortunately, you had an important appointment scheduled for the day. The only problem would be dragging Stoffel out of bed, he was exhausted and wanted to do nothing more but sleep. You sighed. "Please Stoffel. My parents are going to kill us if we are tardy." He groaned and you placed a kiss on his lips. His lips curled up into a smile but his eyes remained closed. You moved to sit against the wall, Stoffel twisted and turned until he was comfortably laying with his head on your lap, making you chuckle. You played with his hair and hummed a song that was stuck in your head. 

"Can't we just reschedule?" He asked you, still half asleep. 

"I'm sorry Stof..." He groaned again. "Let's get some breakfast." Stoffel and I get out of bed and I quickly put on a sweater before heading downstairs to set the table for breakfast. "Do you want some eggs?" You ask Stoffel when he comes into the room, already dressed.

"That would be nice." He gave you a kiss on your cheek and you got two eggs out of the fridge. You cracked the shell and let the now still liquid eggs slide into the pan, whisking it into scrambled eggs. When they were done you divided it into two portions and put it on your two plates. You gave Stoffel one of the plates and he gave you a kiss. "It looks very good."


Stoffel walked after you into the driveway of your parent's house. Stoffel had been quiet the entire time and you had gotten nervous yourself thanks to it. It had given you the time to think through everything that could go wrong. Before you could turn around to look Stoffel once more in the eye the front door flew open, your mother accompanied by the dachshund who started living at your parent's place when your grandparent's both had died. 

"Y/n!" Your mother walked towards you with opened arms. 

"Hi mom," You said and kissed her cheek as you placed your arms around her. "How are you doing?" You asked it just to be polite. 

"Good, is this your man?" She let go of you and looked at Stoffel. You stood beside him and sneaked your arm around his waist. You looked up at him and smiled. 

"He is." Stoffel looked back and your mother smiled. 

"It is so lovely to meet you! My name is y/m/n." Your mother extended her hand and Stoffel shook it, with his beautiful smile on his face. 


"I know son, I know." You chuckled and you took Stoffels hand to walk after her mother inside. "Y/f/n! Y/n en Stoffel are here!" Your father came out of his study. 

"Hi, darling." You gave him a kiss on his cheek. He also extended his hand. He looked at Stoffel, not saying a word and you sighed. As welcoming as your mother was, so cold was your father meeting Stoffel. 

"Do you two want something to drink?" Your mother gently pushed you and Stoffel towards the living room. Now your father had to let go of Stoffel's hand which he was still holding. 

"I would love a glass of one of your delicious smoothies." Your mother playfully rolled her eyes. 

"It is a good thing I predicted you wanted a smoothy, so I got all the ingredients. What do you want Stoffel?" 

"If it is not to much trouble..." Your mother immediately interrupted him. 

"Nothing is too much trouble in this house son. Ask whatever you want." Your mother smiled brightly at him. "So, what do you want Stoffel?"

"Also a smoothy please." Stoffel remained polite and you felt a warm feeling in your stomach. You loved how your mother took Stoffel into the family right away. 

"Do you need some help mom?" You asked, but she shook her head. She bent towards you and whispered in your ear.

"Make sure your father doesn't scare him away." With a chuckle, you mentioned for Stoffel to sit down and sat beside him. Your father was quick to take the seat across the two of you and you took Stoffel's hand, gently squeezing it. The dog jumped onto the sofa you were sitting on and started to inspect Stoffel, but after just a minute or so he laid down on his lap and with his free hand Stoffel started to pet him. 

"So Stoffel, a formula one driver?" Stoffel nodded. 

"Yes sir."

"And you are away a lot?" Stoffel got the feeling your father was going somewhere, as did you. 

"I don't know for sure where you are going with these questions, but I can guarantee you my job won't get in the way of loving your daughter and showing her that. I love her and I would do anything for her."

"Even if it would mean you have to stop racing?" 

"Dad!" You exclaimed and the dachshund jumped up and looked at you, his head cocked to the side a little. "Will you stop! I love him and that is why I want him to follow his dreams, we have talked about it. We know we can't spend as much time together as other couples, we know that and decided it wouldn't affect our relationship, so this is a useless conversation!" Stoffel squeezed your hand as an attempt to calm you down. 

"To answer your question. Yes, even if it would mean I would have to give up racing. Like I said, I would do anything for her." You were pissed off by your father, but when he started to smile you groaned realizing what he had just done. Your sister had warned you for such a thing. 

"Did you have to do this?" Stoffel looked at you, a frown on his face. "It was a test. Nothing serious, just a test." Stoffel looked at your father and your father nodded. 

"And you passed with flying colours." Stoffel let a breath of relief as your mother came back with the smoothies. 

"Here you go sweethearts." She said as she handed them over to you and Stoffel. "Enjoy them." Stoffel thanked her and took a sip. 

"This is delicious." Your mother smiled and then looked at her husband. 

"Did they pass your test?" You choked on your smoothy. 

"You knew?! Also: they?!" You were puzzled by what your mother had just asked your father. "It was also a test for me?"

"Yes." Your father told you. "We had to know how far you wanted to go for him too and we know words are easier than deeds, but they do show something." You shook your head.

"Welcome to my mental family Stof... Are you sure you want to be part of this?" Stoffel laughed.

"Yes, I would happily." 

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