Who the hell is... (Lando Norris)

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This amazing one shot idea was requested by Xeniia1311, I love it still hahaha

Lando: Hey, I'm off duty for the weekend, do you want to come over?😏

You smiled at your phone. Two weeks ago, Lando had asked you whether you would want to be his girlfriend, and without a doubt, you said yes. You had met him a few months before that in England, the two of you ran into each other while both running and had continued your exercise together. 

You: Of course, for the weekend?😊

Lando: What do you think? Of course, you can finally meet my friends though. They will get back tomorrow, they'd love you.😘

You: Well, I better pack for the weekend then.💕

You quickly gathered all the things you needed for over the weekend and got into your car. It was about an hour driving from your place to Lando's, but it was worth it to regularly drive it. Lando was a one in a million, he was so kind and funny and even though you hadn't known him for so long, you were already head over heels with him. 

Luckily with the radio on, the trip didn't seem to take too long and it felt like you had only left home half an hour ago when you got out of your car and Lando had already opened the door. You had called him when you were on your way to let him know when you would be at his place, so around the time you would arrive he went to look out of the window every minute to make sure he wouldn't miss you.

"Lando!" You happily exclaimed and threw your arms around his neck as he lifted you off the ground. 

"There's my pretty lady." He grinned and kissed you. "How was your week."

"Long, lonely." You winked and got your suitcase out of the trunk of your car. 

"Lonely huh." Lando chuckled. "Let's make up for that over the weekend then." The two of you walked into Lando's place and you left your suitcase in the hallway. "Let's get you something to drink." He left you alone and gave you a mug with hot chocolate. You took a sip of the hot chocolaty liquid and enjoyed the flavour, that was until Lando started giggling like a little girl. 

"What did you do..." You asked him suspiciously, but he didn't stop.

"You're a twat." You frowned.

"What the hell Lando?" He started laughing and you were not sure what he was talking about. He took the mug away from you and you were about to protest when he mentioned for you to look at the bottom of the mug. 'I'm a twat.' It said and you shook your head. "You're a dork. A total dork." You took the mug back and placed it on the coffee table and you kissed him, cupping his cheeks.  

"Seems like you don't care though." You laughed and laid your head on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat as he rubbed circles on your back. He started humming some song and you smiled. This moment could last forever. It didn't however since your phone rang. You groaned and walked to the kitchen where you had left your phone. 

"Y/n speaking." You squealed when you heard your best friend's voice through the phone. "How did it go?!" She was in Milton Keynes for an important job interview with Red Bull and you had been nervous for her all afternoon. Until Lando called you, then you forgot about it completely. 

Lando smiled at the sight of you enthusiastically talking through the phone and kissed your cheek. 

"I'm going to take a shower." He had a little experience when it came to you having your best friend on the phone and knew that it could take a while. You smiled at Lando and nodded before continuing listening to your best friend. 


You had been on the phone for around thirty minutes when an alarm went off on the other side of the door you were standing closest to, and it was really loud. Really loud. You let out a high pitched scream which resulted in some scream - or it was supposed to be - from the other side of the door. You opened the door and looked at a guy laying on the floor. He had fallen over your suitcase. 

"Who the hell are you?!" The guy asked. 

"Who are you?!" You asked back. 

"I live here, I have the right to be here but who the hell are you." 

"Y/n, are you okay?!" Lando stood next to the guy you were facing, only towel around his waist. You bit your lip at the side of it, but didn't forget to nod. Lando's hair was still wet, so he must have been still under the shower.

"Yeah mate, I'm okay too." The guy rolled his eyes and stood up. "Who the hell is she." He pointed to you. Lando chuckled. 

"She's my girlfriend." The guy's eyes almost popped out of his head. "Don't act so surprised!" Lando laughed. "Y/n, this is Sacha, my housemate. You were supposed to come home tomorrow."

"Yeah, well I thought it would be fun to scare the living hell out of you."

"Instead he scared me to death." Lando started to laugh. 

"You two get to know each other, then I'll finish showering, you'll get along just fine." Lando walked away.

"Scaring Lando is not such a bad idea." Was the first thing you said, with a grin on your face. "Let's do it." Sacha also grinned. 

"What's the plan?"



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