Lifeline (Charles Leclerc)

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You were walking through the Monacan streets to your apartment. It was seven o'clock in the afternoon and you were walking your dog. It always took you around fifteen minutes when you would walk your standard route, which you were doing then. When you walked into your street again, you noticed your boyfriend's Alpha Romeo Stelvio Quadrafoglio standing in one of the parking spots across the road. 

"Charles?" You asked when you opened the front door. "Charles?"  You took off y/d/n collar and let him walk to the living room. Charles must have left the door to the living room open by accident. You found him, standing by the window, staring to who knows where. Your dog was jumping around his legs, happy to see him again. It was the final sign you needed to know a 100% sure there was something wrong with Charles: he didn't move at all whereas he would have kneeled to pet y/d/n nowadays.

You walked up to him and made him turn around. You were a little shocked when he looked at you. His eyes were bloodshot and he had tearstained cheeks. Your heart broke into a million pieces. He hugged you and hid his face in the shirt you were wearing and started crying. You rubbed his back and whispered soft words in an attempt to soothe him and just let him cry. 

When he had calmed down a little bit you made him sit on the sofa. 

"I'll get you a glass of water." You walked to the kitchen and when you came back into the living room you smiled at the sight in front of your eyes. Y/d/n always knew when someone was sad and always tried to cheer the person up. That was exactly what he was doing now. He had probably started by licking Charles's hand, but now, he had jumped on the sofa to lick Charles's face. And y/d/n/'s attempt worked: Charles had a sad smile playing on his lips while he was trying to find a way to stop y/d/n. 

"Y/d/n down." You told him, but he only looked at you with a pleading look. "Down..." This time he obeyed and you sat down next to Charles. "Here you go." You gave Charles a wet napkin to clean his face with - initially it was to get the stained tears off his cheeks, but now it was more to clean it from saliva - and put his glass of water on the table. "Now, can you tell me what happened?"

"Grandma... She has passed away." Your eyes widened as Charles teared up again. "Mom told me when she came to pick me up from the airport, I wanted to stay strong for her, it was troubling her so much. But when I came here and you were walking y/d/n which meant I was here all alone I broke." You took his hand and squeezed it tightly. You didn't say a word, giving Charles all the time he needed to finish whatever he was going to say. "I can't really believe she is gone..." You pulled him closer and Charles let his head rest against your shoulder. You kissed the top of his head and the two of you sat like that for at least one hour before you spoke up. 

"Shouldn't you be home Charles?" Charles hesitated before saying anything. 

"I can't right now... Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to keep my act together, but right now I will just break down all over again."

"They don't mind whether you are able to keep it together or not. You are family and they need that right now, as do you." Charles blankly looked at you and you knew that if you could look inside his head you would find him arguing with himself. 

"Will you come with me?" He eventualy asked. "I really..."

"Yes." You interrupted him. "Of course I will." Charles wrapped you up in his arms. 

"Thank you."


The upcoming days you were like a lifeline for Charles. You stayed out of all the arrangements for the funeral, but more than once, you were his shoulder to cry on. 

And it wasn't just him. Pascale had told you how happy she was that Charles had you in his life especially since the death of Jules Bianchi and his father - and now his grandmother too - he had some of the people closest to him. 

"I will always be there for him." You had told her and that was when she had started to cry. 

 During the funeral, you were seated next to Charles and had held his hand the entire time. At one point you almost believed he was going to break your hand, that hard he squeezed in it. After everyone had left, Charles told you he wanted some peace and quiet, so the two of you decided to pick up y/d/n - he couldn't stay alone for a few days so your parents had offered to take him in until you would be able to look after him again - and then go to your place. When you arrived you dropped all your stuff inside and closed the door again to go for a walk. The coast was only ten minutes away so you decided to go there. The two of you remained in silence the entire time, both too captivated by your own thoughts.

"You know, I am proud of you." Charles looked at you in surprise and at the same time confusion. "You were a rock for your family, your mom also told me how proud she was of you."

"The only reason I could stay strong for them was that I could break down when I was with you." He kissed you tenderly. 

"that might be," You said when you pulled back, "but I'm afraid my hand will be covered in bruises tomorrow." For the first time in days, you heard Charles laugh and it made your heart flutter.

"Every time I wonder how I found someone so perfect." You blushed. "Actually I know how, it is all thanks to that dog of yours. If he hadn't run away..."

"you would have never been my knight in shining armour on that very day." Charles smiled. 

"I would have found a different way. A girl like you is impossible to let pass by."

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