A Snowy Christmas (Stoffel Vandoorne)

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This one shot was requested by SuperFast_ I hope this is what you wanted and I hope you will enjoy reading it:)
It was the 25 of December early in the morning. Last night you and your boyfriend Stoffel had done some typical Christmas things and ended up getting to bed late at night. So when you woke up you looked at the time to see it was already eleven o'clock. You yawned and turned around, slightly struggling to do so since Stoffel had his arm around your waist and was holding on to you pretty tight. You smiled when you saw how peaceful he looked. You stared at him for a while, but when you thought it would be about time the two of you would get out of you placed a soft kiss on his lips to wake him up. When you looked at him again, you saw the corners of his lips curl up, but he kept his eyes shut.
"Stof..." You softly said.
"Hmm..." You chuckled and gave him another kiss.
"It is already past eleven and we should get up." Stoffel opened his eyes and looked into your eyes.
"Just stay here for a little while longer." Stoffel looked at you with pleading eyes and you couldn't do anything else but fall for it and you snuggled close to him again.
"What shall we do today?" You asked when you looked up to him.
"We could watch some movies..." Stoffel started and you roll your eyes. "Hey!" He said and pouted.
"We have been doing that all week long. I doubt if there is a single, good, movie that we haven't watched yet." You emphasize the word good, because you knew otherwise Stoffel would react with saying there were plenty of movies you hadn't watched yet and he didn't neither. Now it is Stoffel's time to roll his eyes and you playfully hit him on his bare chest.
"Well, what should we do otherwise." You roll on your back and look out of the window, to see snowflakes fall down from the sky.
"We could go outside and walk, go to the lake or to the forest." You turned to face Stoffel and he looked pleased with the idea you had put up.
"Okay lets do that." You smiled and gave him a kiss before getting up to get dressed. Out of the closet you got some navy blue skinny jeans and the ugly Christmas sweater Stoffel had given you last Christmas. You also grabbed a pair of nice and thick socks. You took of your shirt, which was actually one of Stoffel's but you had stolen it some time ago, while having your back turned to Stoffel and quickly put on your bra. You put on your sweater and just when you are about to put on your jeans you felt two strong arms around your waist.
"You still have it?" You heard in his voice that he was surprised to find out you still had the sweater.
"Of course! Why would I throw it away? You gave it to me."
"Because it is ugly?" You laughed.
"It is called an ugly Christmas sweater, so yes it is ugly, but you gave it to me, so I love it." Stoffel made you turn around and gave you a kiss, you kissed back and there was a lot off passion in the kiss. You had your hands in his neck and his hands were on your waist. "Stof..." You said between two kisses. "I'm starting to get cold. Can I please put my jeans on?" Stoffel started to laugh and let go of you. You put on your jeans and as you did your hair, Stoffel got dressed and together you both brushed your teeth. He stood behind you and you rested your head against his chest.

Together you walked through the snow, on your way to the lake. The both of you wore thick enough clothes, a scarf, a hat and gloves. You created small clouds as you breathed out and the snow was still falling down. When you were at the lake Stoffel bent down to tie his shoe again and you looked at the stunning view until you felt something being thrown against your shoulder. You turn around to see Stoffel standing there, a snowball in his hand and a cheeky grin on his face.
"You just didn't." You say and before you could say anything the snowball he was holding was thrown in your face and as the cold snow was all over your face and in your mouth you yelled at him and after getting the snow out of your face as good as you can you bent down to make a snowball yourself. It didn't take long before you laid down next to Stoffel in the snow. Both breathing heavily because of the intense snowball fight you just had with your boyfriend.
"Y/n..." Stoffel started and you looked at him he said up straight and looked you in the eyes. You followed his lead and said up straight too. "I just want you to know I really love you." You started to smile brightly and press your lips against Stoffel's. "I love you too! A lot!"

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