Chapter 30

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Tuesday 28th July 1964

The White House

Jackie was standing waiting on Marine One landing. She hadn’t seen Jack in nearly three weeks. After his peaceful break at Wexford he’d been out on the campaign. She’d been doing her bit with Ladybird but she couldn’t wait to see her husband. He’d phoned every night and said he was fine but she wanted to make sure.

Jackie stood with Mr Hill as Marine One landed. He was unprepared for her next move. As the door and steps came out she ran towards it. Clint was shocked as he gently jogged behind her. When Jack emerged he waved to the press before turning to Jackie. He wrapped her in his arms tightly. “Happy Birthday Kid, I missed you."

“I missed you too. I’m so glad your home.”

She gazed up into his eyes and kissed him very passionately. He was a bit taken back at first, especially as they were in front of the press but he really didn’t care. He was glad to be home. When she pulled back he took her hand and guided her inside to the residence. Caroline and John were still at school so they had some time together first.

As they walked upstairs they kept giggling like teenagers. It was obvious to the agents just how close they’d become since Dallas. Clint and Jerry watched as the President closed the door.

“I think Mrs Kennedy’s glad the President’s back.” Clint smiled.

“I think he’s happier. For the last two days he’s been whistling and buying her lots of souvenirs from campaign stops.”

Clint smiled. “That’s sweet.”

“It may be but I’m broke now he kept spending all my money.” Jerry protested.

Clint laughed. “It was bound to happen.”

Inside the residence Jack and Jackie were lying cuddled together on the sofa. “How are the kids?” Jack asked.

“They’re fine, missing you a lot.”

Jack laughed. “I’ve missed them too.”

“What about me?” Jackie asked.

“Very, very much.” Jack giggled. She kissed him tenderly causing him to moan. He stroked her hair.

“Do you fancy going to the bedroom Mrs Kennedy?”

Jackie blushed. “Of course Mr President.” Jackie giggled. Jack blushed and took her hand.

After they’d made love they lay together. Jackie had her head on Jack’s chest. She was smiling. “I’m glad your home, it was lonely without you.”

“I’m glad to be back too, every hotel room starts to look the same after a while.”

Jackie laughed. “Bobby’s missed you. Lyndon’s been driving him crazy.

“Nothing new there then.”

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