Chapter 12

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Jack and Jackie’s Room

Hammersmith Farm

Friday 29th November 1963

Jack woke to find the sun streaming in through the window but he quickly felt the pain in his back. He moved his head to find Jackie lying watching him. “Good morning Bunny.”

“Morning Kid, you sleep alright?”

“Yeah, you?”

Jack nodded. “Can you help me; I’d like to go for a bath.” Jack said.

“Of course.”

Jackie got up and pulled her robe on before helping her husband into the bathroom. She drew his bath before helping him in. “Thank you.”

“Just relax.”

Jack smiled softly and watched as she left the room. He leaned back and closed his eyes. Suddenly he heard the door open. He opened his eyes to find John standing in his pyjamas and dressing gown with his blanket. “Daddy?”

“Yes son.”

“I had a bad dream, a bad man tried to kill you and Mummy and Caroline and I had to fight him off. We won but I was scared.”

“It’s okay John calm down, Mummy and I are not going anywhere I promise.”

John nodded and took his Dad’s hand. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Jack smiled.

“Can we do something today?” John asked.

“Like what?”

“Can you tell me a story later?”

“Of course I can.”

John smiled and ran back to tell Caroline. Jack sighed. He loved his kids so much, he was glad he’d be able to see them grow up.

He was lost in thought when Jackie came back in; she was wearing slacks and a jumper. “Would it be alright if I went riding before lunch? I just need to clear my head.”

“Of course kid, can you help me out?”


Jackie gently helped him and wrapped him in a towel. Dr Travell would be coming soon to give him some exercises to do.

After he’d changed Jackie headed outside to go riding.

She was about to go out through the kitchen when she saw Caroline sitting crying. She was staring out into the sky hugging her knees. “Caroline?” Jackie asked sitting down beside her. Caroline quickly dried her tears. “Hi Mummy.”

“Sweetie what’s wrong?”


“Caroline don’t lie to me.” Jackie said as she wrapped her daughter in her arms.

She began to sob. “I thought Daddy was dead when I saw the news. I know I wasn’t meant to see the TV but I snuck into Nanny Shaw’s room and watched it. I didn’t know what was happening till I asked Mr Foster, he promised not to say to anyone that I knew.”

“It’s okay sweetie don’t worry your Daddy’s fine and he’s not going anywhere for a long time.”

Caroline nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you too Caroline.”

“Mummy, can I come riding with you?” Caroline asked.


Caroline smiled and took her mother’s hand and they headed towards the stables.

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