Chapter 20

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Wednesday 25th December 1963

Jack and Jackie were lying talking quietly in bed. It was just after seven, the kids would be up soon to open their Christmas presents. “Jacqueline?”

“Yes bunny?”

“I love you.”

Jackie blushed. “I love you too.”

Jack tried to pull her into him but his back was too painful. Jackie gingerly rubbed it. “It’s okay bunny, things will get better soon.”

He sighed and rolled flat on to his back. Jackie smiled at him. She wanted to make him as comfortable as possible before having to go back to work. They were quickly disturbed by Caroline and John coming in. “Good morning Mummy, Daddy!” John exclaimed.

Jackie smiled and lifted him on to the bed. Caroline jumped up too and they sat in between their parents. “Do you think Santa came?” John asked excitedly.

“I’m sure he did Sam.” Jack smiled.

“Can we go downstairs?”

Jack nodded. The kids got up and ran downstairs. Jack sat up slowly and grabbed his robe. He and Jackie made their way downstairs steadily. When they reached the living room Caroline and John were sitting eagerly on the floor. Jackie got her camera and sat down beside Jack on the sofa. “Ok kids open your presents!” Jack laughed.

John tore into his pile of presents as did Caroline. Jackie smiled and flashed her camera. “They look so happy.” Jackie smiled.

“They sure do.” Jack agreed.

She rubbed his knee. “You feeling okay?” Jackie asked noticing he was rather pale.


Jackie nodded and watched her children. “Thank you Mummy! Daddy!” Caroline exclaimed.

“You’re welcome sweetie.” Jackie smiled as she hugged her daughter.

“Thank you!” John yelled before hugging both his parents.

Both kids ran upstairs to wash leaving Jack and Jackie alone. Jackie collected the two remaining presents from under the tree and sat them on the sofa. “Open yours kid.” Jack smiled.

She opened it quickly and gasped. “Oh Jack thank you! It’s beautiful!” Jackie exclaimed holding up her new coat. “There’s something else in there as well.” She put her hand back in the bag and pulled out a lovely ruby ring. She quickly put it on her finger. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“The two rubies symbolise us, the four diamonds are our kids.”

Jackie smiled. “I love it.”

Jack grinned and took his wife’s present and opened it. He grinned. “Thank you Jackie it’s perfect.” Jack smiled as he looked at the new sailing jacket she’d got him.

“No problem, but I also got you this, well I made it but I hope you like it.” Jackie smiled handing him a parcel. He unwrapped and gasped. “Jackie, thank you so much I’ll treasure it forever.” It was a photo album of him, Jackie and the kids, with poems and drawings by Jackie and the kids. He felt emotional getting it. “I love it.”

“I’m glad bunny.” Jackie smiled as she squeezed his hand. She leaned in close and kissed him deeply and tenderly. They were interrupted by Caroline coming back downstairs. After she picked up her new dress and left, Jackie held Jack close, she couldn’t wait till they could hug properly.

“Jackie, do I need to wear a suit to dinner today?”

“Of course not bunny, just wear something loose.”

He nodded. “It’s just my back’s so tender…”

“You don’t need to explain Jack, I understand. It is better than earlier this month though?”

“Oh yes much but it’s just sore to move. The wounds healed.”

Jackie smiled softly and kissed his cheek. He kissed her neck. “I miss being able to do husband and wife stuff.”

Jack giggled. “Like what?”

“Kissing you properly for one.”

Jackie laughed. “Come on we need to go get ready for dinner.”

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