Chapter 4

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Jackie’s eyes were bold. “And?”

The nurse smiled. “The surgery was a success we’ve removed the bullet, it’s cracked two of his ribs but he’ll make a full recovery but it might take a while.”

Jackie relaxed and hugged the nurse. “Thank you.”

“His back’s already in a bad way, we’re not sure how this will affect it.”

Jackie nodded. “Can I see him?”

“He’s still unconscious, but yes you can see him.”

Jackie smiled and followed the nurse down to his room. “Dr Carrico’s still inside.”

“Thank you.” Jackie said before opening the door.

As she walked in she saw her husband lying in a hospital gown in the bed. He was hooked up to a machine and an IV drip. He looked very pale. “Mrs Kennedy.” Dr Carrico said.


“Your husband sustained a severe wound to his lower back, and two broken ribs. As you know his back wasn’t the best in the first place. He should recover fully but it could take a while.”

Jackie nodded feeling tears build in her eyes. “Thank you so much for saving him.” Jackie said as a tear trickled down her cheek. She hugged the young doctor. “I’m glad he’s alright Mrs Kennedy.”

Jackie pulled back and walked slowly over to the bed. She slowly ran her hand up his body before she reached his head. She slowly bent down till their cheeks were touching. She kissed him before standing up. She stroked his hair, thanking God he was alive.

“I’ll leave you now Mrs Kennedy.” Dr Carrico said.

Jackie nodded. “Thank you.”

Dr Carrico smiled softly before closing the door.

“Oh Jack I love you.” Jackie whispered as she caressed his hand. She was standing by him when Kenny came in. “Is he alright?”

“It’ll be a long recovery.”

Kenny nodded. “The doctor told me everything.”

“He’s alive, that’s all that matters.” Jackie replied.

“We’ve booked you into a hotel, the Johnsons and Connelly’s have already left. Why don’t you go and shower and change? It’ll be a while before Jack wakes up.” Kenny said.

“I know but I want to be here when he wakes up. I’ll go after.”

Kenny nodded and backed out of the room. Jackie pulled a chair beside the bed and held his hand. She removed her hat and put it in her lap she didn’t want to leave him.


Jackie hadn’t left his side, Kenny had briefed the press but they hadn’t given the full extent of what had happened yet, they wanted Jack awake before anything was released.

She was sitting when her husband began to stir. He began to moan in pain. Jackie got up and rushed to the door. Dr Carrico came in and inserted some pain relief into the IV. After he’d calmed down he focused his eyes on Jackie. Dr Carrico was standing too.

“Don’t try to move Mr President, you suffered severe injuries.”

“Ok.” Jack whispered.


“Yes bunny?” Jackie asked.

“Why are you covered in blood?”

“Jack…’s your blood.”

He looked at her and began to cry. Jackie got down on her knees and wiped his eyes. “It’s okay bunny, your still here. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Jack replied. Jackie kissed him gently on the lips. “We’ll get through this.”

“I know.”

Jackie smiled and kissed his hand. She was so glad he was okay.

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