Chapter 6

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Jackie had been with Jack all day. “Jackie do the kids know?” Jack asked.

“They know you were hurt but that’s it.”

Jack nodded. “That Doctor guy seems nice.”

Jackie laughed. “His name is Dr Carrico.”

“I’m sorry I made you come on this trip, I feel so guilty.” Jack whispered.

Jackie shook her head. “Jack…..if I wasn’t hear and you’d have been killed I’d never have forgiven myself.”

“Thank you for pulling me down.” Jack said quietly. Jackie had to blink fast but it was no use she started to cry. Jack badly wanted to hug and comfort her but he couldn’t move. “I love you Jackie please don’t cry.”

Jackie looked up into his eyes. She gently placed one of her hands on his cheek. They didn’t break away when the door opened, they didn’t care. “Would you like me to come back?” Dr Carrico asked.

“Oh no come in.” Jackie smiled as she stood up. While he checked Jack’s chart, she went into the bathroom and washed her face. She looked like she’d aged years since yesterday.

When she returned to Jack’s room Dr Carrico was gently easing him sit up. “Ow.” Jack moaned in pain. Jackie rushed to his side and took his hand. She could see the tears building in his eyes. Once Jack was sitting up he slowly swung his legs out of the bed so he was sitting on the edge. He was taking deep breaths.

Jackie slowly sat down beside him. She could see his back was very swollen. “How do you feel Mr President?” Dr Carrico asked.

“The pain is worse than before.”

“So the numbness is away?”


“Where is the main area of pain?”

Jack went to point with his arm but moving was horrible. He managed to point to his lower back where the bullet had hit and where he’d cracked two ribs. “How does the top of your back feel sir?”

“Please don’t call me Sir or Mr President, Jack is fine.”

Dr Carrico nodded. “So, Jack how does the top of your back feel?”

“Very stiff.”

Dr Carrico nodded. “Do you think you have the strength to stand up? I know your back was very bad yesterday Jackie told me.”

“I’ll try, Jackie can you hold my hand?” Jack asked turning to look at her. She smiled softly. “Of course Bunny.”

Jack nodded. He had a tight bandage round his lower stomach to try and make him more comfortable. He also had a proper bandage on his wound to try and help it heal quicker. “Just when you’re ready Jack.”

Jack nodded and turned to look at his wife. She smiled reassuringly at him. He kept a tight grip of Jackie’s hand putting pressure on it to stand up. He cursed a few times till he was standing straight. “I knew you could do it bunny.” Jackie smiled.

Jack nodded; he was very pale and looked like he could be sick. “Maybe you should sit down Jack?” Dr Carrico suggested.

“Yeah.” Jack said as he steadily sat back down on the edge of the bed. “I’ll be back in a moment I want to find out something.”


After Dr Carrico had left, Jack tried to lift his arm but because his back was so stiff he couldn’t. “Jackie I want to hug you.” Jack said on the verge of tears.

Jackie sat gingerly down beside him and kissed his cheek. “You can soon bunny, I promise.”

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