Chapter 15

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Friday 6th December 1963


Jack and Jackie’s Bedroom, Hammersmith Farm

It had been a week. Jack was slowly improving but he was still in a considerable amount of pain.

Jackie was in a deep sleep but was woken by a loud bang. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. “Jack?”

There was no response. She quickly sat on the edge of the bed. Jack’s bed was empty. “Jack?”

When he didn’t reply she stood up. She quickly moved round to the other side of the bed. She gasped and quickly got down on her knees. Jack was lying on the floor unconscious. She quickly put him in the recovery position but his breathing was weak. She screamed loudly and began to cry. “Jack.” Jackie sobbed stroking his face.

Suddenly the door burst open, Clint and Roy rushed in. They gasped before taking some action. Roy called for an ambulance while Clint got down beside the President. “Mrs Kennedy what happened?” Clint asked while checking the President over.

“I….I don’t know. I heard this thud and I woke up, Jack wasn’t there so I got up and he was lying here. I put him in the recovery position.”

Clint nodded. Roy rushed back in. “They’ll be here soon. Jerry’s cleared the route now.”

“Has anyone notified the White House?” Jackie asked weakly.


Suddenly they heard a siren. “I’ll be back.”  Roy said before running out of the room. Without warning Jack’s breathing became really weak, his lips turned blue.

Jackie was trying to hide her tears. “Lancer is down, I repeat Lancer is down, more information to follow.” Clint said into his radio.

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