Chapter 17

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When Jackie arrived back at the hospital she had Caroline and John with her. The press were frantic and kept shouting questions. She sighed and ushered her children in. John could hear a reporter yelling his name and he turned round quickly and out of the grip of Jackie’s hand. The photographer snapped his picture. John glared at him. “Why did you take my picture? It’s my Daddy that’s famous and he’s ill, leave him alone.” John said.

The photographer didn’t know what to say. “JOHN!” Caroline yelled. John turned and ran towards his sister. She hugged him before taking his hand. “Let’s go see Daddy.”

John nodded and quickly followed his mother down the hall. When they reached Jack’s room, Jackie let the kids go in first. Jack was sitting up watching the TV when his kids came in. He smiled and hugged them as they jumped up on to the bed. “How are you feeling Daddy?” Caroline asked sweetly.

“Tired buttons.”

“Daddy!” John exclaimed. Jack turned to look at his son. “Yes Sam?”

“I made you this.” John grinned as he pulled a painting out from his jacket. Jack took it from his son and looked at it carefully. It was a drawing of him, Jackie, Caroline and John on the beach. “John it’s lovely. Thank you.” Jack said as he put it on the bedside table. John smiled and hugged him.

Caroline sat smiling when Jackie came in she’d been talking to doctor King. “Hiya kid.” Jack said as his wife sat down on the chair.

“How are you feeling bunny?”

“Tired but a lot better. The medicine’s been helping.”


“Did they say when they’d let me out?” Jack asked as he ruffled John’s hair.

“Tomorrow morning if you’re feeling up to it.”

“I just want to go home and rest, I’m sick of hospitals.”

Jackie laughed and rubbed his hand. “Bobby made a statement saying what had happened.”

Jack nodded and leaned back but closed his eyes in pain. “Kids why don’t you go and wait in the hall a minute.” Jackie suggested.


Once the First couple were alone Jackie sat down on the bed. She rubbed his hand. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Jack replied.

“Once you’re home you can rest and get better. I’ve told the staff not to bother you with anything unnecessary.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem.” Jackie smiled.

They sat for a moment. “We’ll go and let you sleep, I know you’re tired.”

Jack nodded and squeezed her hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Of course bunny.”

Jack watched as she left the room. He just wished he could recover in private without the press and pressures from Washington.

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