After Clinton had come back Nathan didn't annoy me anymore, he's such a snake. One more reason why he couldn't annoy me is, that me and Clinton and the other boys flew to Australia to meet his family, and all I can say is they were completely sweet towards me, I'm so thankful. Especially Clinton's mother Biddi, she's such a sweetheart, I felt so comfortable during her presence.
One night, when I told Clinton I'm tired and wanted to go to sleep a little earlier, I woke up walking to the kitchen to drink some water since I was thirsty. I then heard Clinton and his mom talking about our relationship and about me being a good girl. And the best thing - that I heard from Biddi - was: "Don't ever let her go, she's not like your exes. She's very different, and when you hurt her, I won't forgive you, alright?"

I always wake up remembering these words just like today, and I'm now making myself ready to walk down to the closest bakery and buy some bread.

"Ellie are you ready darling?" my mom shouts from the kitchen.

"Yes mom, give me two seconds!" I yell back.
Heading to the kitchen, I find my mom preparing the breakfast.
"Mhh, my favorite" I taste a little of the rose jam. it's one of my favorite jams ever.

"Hurry up and buy some bread for us you lazy butterfly!" my mom laughs sidehugging me.
"On my way!" I give her a little kiss and after putting on my shoes, I walk down to the bakery as fast as I can.

Buying some bread, I walk back to the apartment going upstairs, and open the door.
I go in searching for my mom, but I can't find her in the kitchen. I suddenly turn around facing her with the little smile on her face which grows bigger with time.

"What happened" I smirk lightly.
"Happy Birthday my beautiful girl. Come here" she opens her arms and takes a step forward, hugging me tightly.
"So thankful that you exist" she says under her breath as she rubs my back.

"Wait, I have a little surprise for you." she takes out a little box she's been hiding under her jacket for a good while.
"Mom you didn't have to buy something for me" I tell her.
"Open it" she says handing it to me.

I slowly open the box finding a car key inside.
"W-what- mom- oh my god. You literally bought me a car!! Thank you so much" I give her a quick hug jumping around like a little kid.

"This was just an excuse to buy you finally buy you something. You wouldn't allow me to do this otherwise" she giggles going back to the kitchen.

While looking at the car key, I get a call. Taking out my phone, I see Clinton calling and answer the call.

Clinton's POV

"Baby my mom literally bought me a car I'm so happy!!"
"That's amazing!! Good luck with it then" I chuckle.

"I saw your message late at night.. I love you so fucking much you don't even know"
"Know I love you more." I let her know.
"And when you say you need me" she sings.
"Know I need you more" I kind of sing along.

"Anyways.. I wouldn't want to interrupt this beautiful moment like that but.. I wanted to ask you if you could come over to my place at 7? With your new car maybe?"
"Mhh sure thing" she mumbles.
"Okay then, I'll wait for you baby, see ya later"
"See ya later"

With that I hang up and go back to the kitchen, where Mitchel and Jesse are.
"I hope she didn't notice anything" I sigh nervously.
"I bet she didn't. Calm down ya dangus" Jesse pats my shoulder after taking a sip of his coffee.

"What I'm gonna do is quite risky."
"No why is that?"
"-how come" they ask me.
"I don't know what her reaction to this will be. Her mom doesn't know anything about it too. I mean I've let Christian ask her about the surprise birthday party at my house and she even permitted it, but she doesn't know about the bigger and better things- y'all know what I mean" I lean against the counter.

Adore You ✔️ || Clinton CaveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora