f o r t y - t w o

84 14 1

m i a  /  f o r t y - t w o

At the dinner table on Thursday evening, Dad asks whether I've invited Kade Ryder over for dinner yet. I don't know what to tell him; I just say not yet.

Tomorrow is prom. I'm going with Kade Lawson. He's going to be knocking on my door, giving me roses, opening the car door, and he's not even the person I want it to be.

I want my date to be real, I want to go with Kade Ryder. I sulk all though dinner, and Dad mutters something about teenagery moods to himself with a chuckle.

After dinner, I clean up the table (there's a lot of raised eyebrows from Dad as the cutlery keeps making a lot of noise, the biggest when I just throw the whole stack of plates into the sink) and then Dad decides to question me about prom.

This, of course, only enrages me further. I stalk up to my bedroom in a huff, Dad left taken aback, holding back a laugh.

. . .

One would expect to wake up on day of the prom to birds singing or the lovely scent of waffles wafting from downstairs. Instead, I wake up to the even lovelier sound of my alarm ringing ten decibels louder than what a human should be able to take. One look at it tells me that I'm twenty minutes late for the facial and manicure-pedicure that Caitlyn has booked for the two of us.

I rush into the shower and back out, throwing on jeans and my most comfortable hoodie. I meet Caitlyn at the spa-salon ten minutes later, and her eyes are sparkling with laughter as she sees me in all my gorgeous wear.

The next few hours fly by in a blur of massages, the promised facial, and a dark blue polish painted onto my nails. It's around three in the afternoon already when Caitlyn and I get home, to my house, where one of Caitlyn's hairdresser friends come over to do our hair. After playing around with hairspray and straighteners, curlers, the works, Amelia*** turns us around with a wide smile.

She's made our hair look absolutely stunning. Mine is left loose down my back, but she's curled the ends until they've got those perfect waves. A few shorter strands of my dark hair has also been curled, and left to frame my face.

Caitlyn's dark hair looks gorgeous as well, if not more. Amelia has straightened it beyond possibility, and thereafter placed a tiny silver crown atop her head.

After Amelia has left, Caitlyn and I are left to get into our dresses. The sky is darkening already, heavy clouds accumulating in the sky. A slight frown crosses Caitlyn's face as she sees this; the weather reports seem to be expecting stormy weather. Rain, thunder, everything. While she is worried, I, on the other hand, am not. I love storms, I love how it feels like something is happening outside. I love the whole mood; the whole atmosphere of it all.

I guess getting our hair wet and dresses soaked wouldn't be a good thing, though. It doesn't matter much to me, because it's not going to be Kade Ryder seeing me in it.

This whole night is a damn waste.

. . .

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