t w e n t y - f i v e

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k a d e  /  t w e n t y - f i v e

Dad comes home the next morning before I'm able to clean up after last nights party. The kitchen is a mess, the lounge even worse. Empty red cups lay on the coffee tables and almost every other flat surface, and popcorn and crisps litter the floor. A few cigarette ends lay discarded on the edge of the couch, ash flicked onto the leather carelessly.

I know Dad's going to blow a fuse before he blows a fuse.

I'm exhausted, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. Last night was hella confusing. Talk about emotional roller coasters.

Parties aren't my scene, as is obvious, but it's been tradition that the captain of the winning team throw the party. However, I'd pretty much tried keeping to myself last night. I'd hung around with Aiden and the rest of the guys for a bit in the beginning, but pretty soon they'd started with the alcohol and that was my cue to leave.

I don't drink, never have.

After Mia Lynch left last night, I'd stayed in my balcony for a while, listening to the music that spilled out of the windows downstairs. I'd seen Mia leave, helping a very drunk Lawson into the passenger seat. I'd seen the way she looked up, eyes searching for something.

I'd looked away, knowing that it wasn't me she was searching for.

Now, I stand across from Dad in the lounge, crossing my arms defensively. Dad's just asked why I threw the party in the first place, and I'm trying to explain how its tradition for the captain of the winning team.

Mom's silver BMW comes up a minute later in the driveway, and I watch as she enters the house, a bag slung over her shoulder, folders tucked under her arm.

Mom's a part-time fashion designer, but she mostly works from home. It's not often that she has to leave town to meet clients. This was just one of the rare occasions.

Dad sighs, glancing at his wristwatch for the time. "Well-"

He's cut off by Mom who comes over to me. She grins, throwing her arms around my neck in a tight embrace, and I close my eyes, breathing in her subtle perfume. She pulls away too soon, but grabs my hands in hers, looking into my eyes.

"Well done, Kade! I'm sorry I wasn't there yesterday, but congratulations." There's a bright glint in her eye, and I realize that it's a tear, "I'm proud of you, Kade. Always remember."

A feeling of humbleness sweeps over me like a wave, and I glance at my feet, the slightest bit shy. It's not often that I hear someone say they're proud of me.

Dad clears his throat, "Well, Kade."

I raise an eyebrow, my pride back in full force. "Yes, Dad? Where were you after the match?" I pause, "Because I sure couldn't find you around."

Dad's face stays neutral, and then he breaks the ice. "Actually, Kade, I was filling in the details about your future. I was conversing with the talent scout that was present there."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks, "What?"

"You heard me, son. Mr Ferguson was scouting you, and offered a scholarship for a chance of going pro. You can thank me later."

"Thank you?" I say, and my blood is boiling. I can't keep my thoughts in order, I can't understand why it feels like my world is rearranging around me without my consent.

"Thank you?" I repeat, "I don't want this. I never asked for this, damn it! I don't know what you think you're doing, but this is my life. My choices." I pause, taking a breath, "And if you think I'm going pro as a soccer player, then you're god damned wrong. I'm not."

"You're young, Kade. You don't know what you want."

I punch the wall beside me, and Mom jumps. I continue speaking, too angry to stop. "I don't know what I want but I know what I don't want. I don't want this."

Turning on my heel, I don't spare glances in either one of my parents directions. I turn and stalk out of the house, grabbing my jacket before leaving, glad that Finn is over at a friends house.
.  .  .

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