t w e n t y - s i x

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m i a  /  t w e n t y - s i x

Completing the last sentence for an English assignment for school, I shut my books closed with a heavy sigh. Rain pours outside, the sky as grey as ash. Clouds filled to the brim with water crash into each other, roaring noises of thunder.

I pull the sleeves of my hoodie lower over my fingers, snuggling into my bed. Last night was the party, and I'd been too tired to go out today. I think it's safe to say that I don't usually go out much, and not to parties either.

I'd decided to stay in today, to complete homework and study for the upcoming exams at school. I sigh to myself, contemplating how my life has changed in such a few, short weeks. This was basically my life every day, before I'd caught the eye of Kade Lawson and mistakenly DM'ed Kade Ryder.

Speaking of, I hadn't heard from the latter since last night. I wasn't sure what was going to happen now that we had met in person, and now that I know who he is. I don't want to stop talking to him, that much is obvious. At the same time, though, I don't know how he feels about this whole thing.

And then there's Kade Lawson, who I'd dropped off last night at Cameron's house, only because I wasn't sure where Kade lived. He was still pretty out of it, but he messaged me this morning, thanking me for last night and asking if he could see me today. I didn't reply. I'm not sure what to do, where to go from here.

My phone lets out a sharp ping, and I almost jump; the noise startled me. Picking up my phone, I see that it's a DM notification from Instagram.

Sliding the bar on my phone screen, a smile takes over my face as I see that it's Kade Ryder. However, once I read the messages, I jump up from my bed, smoothing down my hair as I hunt around the mess on my bed for a pair of jeans, a jacket, socks.

Kade's not okay. It's pretty clear that he needs someone, and he's asking if he could pick me up. Without hesitation, I reply, telling him my address, telling him I'll be out in a few minutes.

Giving him my address isn't stupid. I think we've reached the conclusion that he's no axe murderer or 53 year old man.

Five minutes later, the rain sees me waiting by my front door, hugging my denim jacket tighter around my frame. It sounds like a storms coming, and I'm glad when the door opens and Dad enters the house, shrugging the rain off his burly figure.

"Hi, Mia- honey, where're you going? It's raining outside . . . "

"Yeah, a friends coming to pick me up. He just needs to talk, I think." I pause, "I don't think I'll be long, probably an hour or so."

I don't miss the way Dad's lips curve up into a slight teasing smile, "He, huh? Anyone I should be worrying about?"

I laugh awkwardly, knowing that Dad's only teasing. I've never had a boyfriend before, nor much male friends, so this is a bit new. Dad's always been pretty chill about the whole idea, while Mom was the strict one, always making sure I was focused on school, on my goals.

Dad smiles, and it reaches his eyes. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Mia. It's cold out though, be careful."

A knock on the door startles both Dad and I. I don't know that it's Kade Ryder until I open the door, and it's him in all his utter gorgeousness. The rain has made his hair wet, and as he runs a hand through it, tiny droplets of water cascade down his face in rivulets. His features are sharp, defined, his jaw tight, but as I look into his eyes, I see his features soften.

He lifts his head, however, seeing Dad standing behind me. Taking out his hands from his denim jacket pockets, he steps forward, not the tiniest bit nervous.

"Good evening, sir. I'm Kade, Kade Ryder."

Dad smiles, and I'm staring at him, touched by the fact that he seems to approve of Kade, in some way.

"Evening, Kade. You don't have to call me sir." Dad laughs, "Around what time can I expect Mia home?"

"Around nine, I guess? Is that okay?" Kade glances from me to Dad, and Dad nods his head, agreeing. Dad smiles at me as Kade and I begin walking down the driveway, to where his ink-black Mustang sits. I raise an eyebrow to myself, the entire situation so unusual for me.

Kade opens the passenger door for me, and I slide into the leather seats. A minute later, he gets into the car, and starts up the engine without a word. His expression is sullen, bordering on moody, his features tightened yet again. A slight undertone of vulnerability flickers in his dark eyes, and as the rain pours, there's nothing I want to do more but to reach over, wrap my arms around him, protect him from whatever's hurting him.

. . .

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