t w e n t y

107 14 13

m i a / t w e n t y

Caitlyn comes over after school, with a load of assignments and a slab of my favorite chocolate. I attack her with a huge hug as soon as she's in past my bedroom door, and she laughs as she sets down whatever she'd brought. She pushes her dark hair away from her face, red lips tilted up into a smirking smile.

"Pretty obvious that you aren't sick, Mia." She accuses, "Why'd you leave me alone today, then?"

"Ah, I didn't wanna have to face Kade after last night. You know how it be." I say, and Caitlyn laughs. I'd called her last night after I'd come home, and told her all about the date. I hadn't mentioned the fighter guy to her, though. I'd wanted to keep that to myself, for now.

"Yes, well, Mia, you do know that tomorrow's the game against Albert Einstein High? Kade gave me his jersey, said to give it to you."

I groan. If the game is tomorrow, that means I've also got to end things with Kade Lawson tomorrow. God help.

. . .

The next morning dawns bright and early, and I grimace as I look at my reflection in the bathroom mirror at school. I'm wearing skinny denim jeans, a tank top, and Kade's jersey thrown over. It literally has "Lawson" printed out in huge block lettering on the back, with the number 10 even bigger.

I sigh, knowing what I have to do as soon as the game is over.

Caitlyn claps her hands when she sees me, a huge grin spreading over her face. She whips out her makeup bag from her tiny backpack, and gently dabs at my eyelids, thereafter handing me a bottle of body glitter. I let out a heavy sigh, but nevertheless swipe a little silver glitter across my cheekbones.

God, the fact that I'm actually showing the school team support just about kills me.

Minutes later, Caitlyn and I are sitting in the bleachers. The crowd is filling up, soccer moms with blonde hair and lunch boxes talking amongst each other, students gossiping amongst themselves. Soccer is basically the only thing that people in Greytown actually enjoy, and come together to show their support.

Albert Einstein High, the school we're playing against, seems to be about the same as well.

When Kade Lawson walks out, leading the rest of the team, I watch as his eyes pass over the moms and students before they rest on me, and he smiles. The knife twists in between my ribs. God, the guilt.

I don't have time to wallow, though. I'm wearing Kade's jersey and people are speculating, talking, and I even see Mrs Lawson, the principal and Kade's mom, looking over at me, giving me a once over as her eyes register that I'm wearing her sons jersey.

And then the rival team walks out. And then I see their captain. Those cold eyes, I recognize them. The fighter on High Street. And then my eyes catch onto the name printed on the back of his jersey. Ryder.

Kade. Kade Ryder.

Our eyes meet. My heart drops to the ground.

One second I'm there on the bleachers, and the next, I'm not.

. . .

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