t h i r t y - o n e

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k a d e  /  t h i r t y - o n e

I avoid Mum and Dad the next morning, leaving home for gym before they even wake up. I pack a pair of clothes in my gym bag, knowing that I'm not going to return home, just change in the gym and head straight to school.

Miles calls, just as I'm leaving the gym an hour and a half later. I grin to myself. Somehow Miles always calls at the perfect moment; when I'm needing to fight.

"Miles, hey. It's been a few weeks, yeah?"

"Sorry, Ryder." Miles laughs, "We haven't had much come up, but now we do. And we need the best. We need you."

I raise an eyebrow, liking the sound of this fight. "Sounds like it's straight up my alley."

Miles chuckles, "It is. Tonight? You free?"

"Place and time, boss."

"Greytown. You ever been?"

I'm taken aback. Greytown. That's where Mia lives. We've never had a fight there, as far back as I can remember.

"Yeah, I know it. Where about?"

"Hold on a second." Miles speaks to someone in the background, but after a second he's back on the phone. "Acorn Avenue. It's a pretty quiet street, especially after hours. Around 10?"

"Sure. See ya."

I hang up, a million thoughts in my mind. However, I head to school, and when I step out of the Mustang, the entire soccer team shows up. All grins and high fives, they wait for me to walk ahead, then following me the same way one would follow a king.

This is crazy, and when I find Aiden Harrington at my shoulder, I tell him so.

He laughs, then says in a low voice, "Just go with it. This isn't even the craziest part."

"Wait, so what is the craziest part then?"

Aiden doesn't look at me, instead his eyes are focused on something in front of us. He then nods his face slightly, gesturing in front of us, "This."

Brows furrowed, I turn my gaze to the entrance of the school, where we're heading, and then I see Larissa Sanchez, the blonde chick from the party, walking out toward me.

Aiden lets out a low wolf whistle, but I'm still baffled. It all makes sense, however, when Larissa steps way too close to me, touching my arm lightly, all red fingernails and red painted lips. She twirls a few strands of her hair around her finger, and I know what she's up to.

Boys aren't as dumb as girls sometimes think we are. We're not as oblivious when it comes to flirting. Larissa is full-on flirting, and my point is proven even more when she leans up and whispers into my ear.

She's trying to sound all sultry, but it's nothing in comparison to how Mia makes me feel with one eye contact. That's more intimate than this will ever be. I gently push Larissa off me, and head into school without a look back.

. . .

During break, Aiden Harrington asks me if I'm immune to Larissa Sanchez's charms or whether there's just another girl involved. Less than a second after he says "another girl", he somehow remembers me asking about "Kade Lawson's girl".

It dawns on him. "Oh shit. Man."

I nod, my eyes passing over the students eating at surrounding tables, "Yup. Lawson's girl."

Aiden smirks, "Girlfriend stealer much?"

I roll my eyes, "It's not like that."

But it kind of is, isn't it? Even though all Mia and I did was talk, and hold hands . . . it meant more than what it sounds like. Both she and I know it.

Aiden scrolls through his phone, and then looks up excitedly, "Ryder! Greytown's prom is next weekend. You think she'll go with Lawson?"

My jaw works overtime as I take in this new information. I think of the way Mia's face twisted up when I mentioned Lawson, and I know that she doesn't feel anything for him. Maybe friendship. But nothing more.

She would've never come with me to the abandoned library if she did feel something for Lawson.

He, on the other hand? He likes her. He's pretty much whipped. That much is obvious. I sigh, and Aiden looks up at me again, "Dude, you're whipped."


Excuse me for that bad reference.

. . .

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