t w e n t y - f o u r

96 12 1

m i a  /  t w e n t y - f o u r

I rush through the crowds of dancing bodies, trying to keep up with the girl leading me to wherever Kade Lawson is. She's the same girl from earlier, but I still don't know her name.

I tap her on her shoulder, "Uh, hi. Who exactly are you?"

"Larissa. Larissa Sanchez." She gives me a once over, and I realize that her smile has completely disappeared, instead, a smirk has replaced it.

"You're Lawson's girl, okay? Keep it like that. Ryder's my boy. Hands off, honey."

Well, damn. I raise an eyebrow, trying not to burst into laughter at this, this . . . thing in front of me. Claiming people like that!

"Can't call dibs if he doesn't want to be yours, sweetie." I throw a saccharine-sweet smile Larissa's way, then turn on my heel and decide to find my own way to wherever Kade Lawson is. To see what he's up to.

I walk into the kitchen of the house, noticing that a crowd of around ten has gathered around one of the tables. Walking closer, I almost gasp as I see Kade Lawson, standing in front of a tray of tiny shot cups. He's swigging them back, one after another. He's swigging then back, as if it's his lifeline.

The crowd around him cheer, and all I can think is, what makes him want to forget?

How empty have you got to be? Wanting to fill all the spaces with alcohol, something to take the pain away?

Stepping through the crowd, I nudge my way through the cheers of "You go, dude!" and "Another one!" until I'm in front of Kade. I reach over and take the cup from his hand, and watch as his eyes widen as he sobers up a little. I tug on his hand, wrapping an arm around his waist, ignoring the groans of the crowd as I pull him away.

I manage to get Kade Lawson out of the main door of the house, him hanging on my arm, half walking. He's still dazed, still not completely in it, and I don't know if he'll remember this when he's completely sober. Either way, that's not the reason I'm doing this.

I can't just leave him there, can I?

It's only as I'm walking down the cobblestoned driveway of Kade Ryder's house, that it dawns on me. I'd just left Kade Ryder there, alone in his balcony. I'd left without a word.

After unlocking my car doors, and awkwardly helping Kade Lawson into the passenger seat, I look up at Kade Ryder's house again. My eyes pass over the windows, balconies, until they find the one they're looking for. The slightest bit of a silhouette is visible in the dark-lit lighting, and as the closing lyrics to a sad song spill out into the street, I realize that I think I'm falling. For Kade.

Kade Lawson is passed out in my passenger seat, while Kade Ryder is a few meters away, up there in that balcony.

Everyone thinks I'm dating Kade Lawson.

Does this mean I'm falling for the wrong Kade?

. . .

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