"I--I'm fine Mrs. Min, I--I just--" Jimin gulped as he went in to take a deep breath. "I just spaced out for a minute there that's all."

"Spaced out?" Asked his mother with curious eyes. "Why? Is something troubling you honey?"

"N-no mom, I--I just spaced out over something that's all." Answered Jimin shyly while lowering his head to look at his hands that were placed in his lap, as realization slowly dawned over Yoongi's mind at the blonde's last words.

A smirk settled itself on his face, as he crossed his arms on the wooden table before him.

'Spaced out huh?'

"Spacing out huh?" Suddenly questioned Yoongi loudly which resulted in every head present to turn curiously in his direction, as Jimin's eyes narrowed at the wide innocent smile Yoongi sent his way. "Well I guess you must really be tired from yesterady after all."

"Tired?" Jimin and his mother asked out loud confusingly at Yoongi's words, as Jimin's question sounded more as an exclamation than a question to everyone's ears. "Why would he be tired?" Continued Mrs. Park in asking as she took a bite off her food, not noticing the teasing smirk Yoongi threw Jimin's way.

And Jimin could only stare suspiciously at the boy across from him as he reached out to take a sip from his juice. 

"Yeah, after all we did a few things yesterday. You know, me and him. Together." Nonchalantly commented out Yoongi with the same teasing smirk present on his face.

Jimin choked while doing a dramatic spit take on the grass beside him, as both the mothers present grinned at the news that just hit their ears.

"Oh my!"

"Really Yoongi?"

"Yes. Didn't we Jimin?" Asked Yoongi ever so innocently to the boy across from him who was literally ready to bounce on top of him at any second now. 

"No, not really." Said Jimin as an answer to the boy's question, confusing both of their mothers while an amusing smirk made it's debut on Yoongi's face. "It was actually you who did most of those 'things', wasn't it Yoongi?"

"And you let me do it ever so generously, Jimin."

"Well you know I've always been such a generous person Yoongi."

"But to be generous to that extent is a problem, isn't it Jimin?"

"No, not really. I'll always will be there to help out poor people like you in need~." Purred Jimin proudly to boy before him, who was so close in getting up to choke the hell out of the blonde.

Thought instead of resolving to violence, he got up ever so slowly, leaned his body across the table, and whispered a sentence that sent red sirens wailing in Jimin's mind--

"Seeing as you literally almost spread your pretty legs for me, I pretty much think you were the one who was in need there ChimChim, weren't you?"

"You--!!" Jimin exclaimed through a growl, his feat ready to jump up at him and claw the teasing smirk off his soft face, thought he was taken aback when a tissue was thrown on his face to block his view, while the boy across from him went in to go back to his seat too hold his fork and knife once more, as he gave his mother and Mrs. Park in innocent smile, as both the women awkwardly tried to return it back to him while they confusingly looked at both of their sons back and forth with curious eyes.

"Eat up now Chim, we've got school you know." Said Yoongi matter of factly  as he cut a piece of his waffles and stuffed it in his mouth while not flinching away from the hawk like eyes of Jimin's, that were burning a hole through his brain.

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