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Jungeun leaned back in her reclining chair, she was stressed out by her new job. She felt as if they were overworking her and she was busy 24/7 it's almost like they were trying to kill her with the boat load amount of work they were giving her.

Jungeun missed DocDox, she missed the girls. She had been wanting to call them for a while now, but she's been too busy. Jungeun finally had time now, so she called Jinsoul, she missed her the most. She couldn't wait to speak to her, it's been a whole month since they last spoke. She talked to Jinsoul a bunch immediately after she had gotten laid off but now she was busy with her new job. She had hoped and prayed that Jinsoul hadn't forgot her.

Jungeun heard the phone ring for like 7-8 times, and it went straight to her voicemail.

Jungeun called 4 more times, no answer.

Was she mad? Did she not want to talk to her? Jungeun was worried, she assumed that her phone was dead, to try to ease her worry.


Jinsoul eyes opened wide, she looked around her surroundings she was in an abandoned ... warehouse? Her eyes searched for the two girls.

"Stop looking around, you're fine." One of them said to Jinsoul,

"Yeah, Jung Jinsoul." Another one said.

"Where am I? What's happening to me?" Jinsoul asked the girls.

"Quiet, she's coming." The girl said.

A woman with high black boots, and red hair that went all the way to her butt, walked towards the three.

"Nice to meet you, Jinsoul." She said, with a cunty smile.

"Where am I?"

"You're at our headquarters." She bent down to Jinsoul's height, "You've got some information we need."

Jinsoul moved back, "who's headquarters.."

"Red diamonds, you know us."

"No I don't."

"Notorious gang? Red diamonds, doesn't ring a bell."

"Now it does." She said.

"We're well aware that you know Kim Jungeun."

Jinsoul raised an eyebrow, "I have no idea who that is."

The girl with the really long black hair spoke up,

"Then why is 'Kim Lip 😍😍' calling your phone?"

"That's not a Jungeun, that's Kim lip."

The girl with the red hair smiled slyly, "That's what we call her, Jinsoul. Around here she's known as Kim Lip."

"Yah, calling her Jungeun because this is a business exchange"

Jinsoul's head was spinning, Jungeun was calling her phone? She couldn't even focus on the fact that she was being kidnapped because Jungeun hadn't called her in a month, but she just did. She hadn't forgot about her. It made her smile a little bit.

"What do you need to know?"

"I don't know if you know this sweetheart, but your beloved is in a gang, more importantly our rival gang."

Jinsoul didn't respond her head was spinning with thoughts, when did she have time to be in a gang?

"I haven't talked to her in a month, I don't know what she's been up to." Jinsoul said to the girl.

"Soojin, she's lying."

"I'm not!"

The girl, her name was Soojin supposedly looked down, "You can make this easy, or you can make this hard."

"I'm not lying, she got laid off of her job, and we haven't talked since the 2nd week of January, she's been busy with her new job."

Soojin modded, " She told you that?"

"I assumed."

"Right... what we need to know is... how close are you with her exactly."

"We aren't that close."

"Close enough to have her number in your phone and her named changed to Kim Lip with two heart eye emojis, perhaps you're lying again." The girl with the long hair spoke up again.

"Mind your business."  Jinsoul rolled her eyes.

Soojin took Jinsoul's face into her hands and squeezed, "Come on, tell us for real. I'll reward you."

Jinsoul slapped Soojin's hand away, "We're close, we have a romantic interest I guess."

"Now we're getting somewhere." The girl said.

"Be quiet Ana. So you two were romantic." Soojin rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Did you know she was in a gang prior to this?"


"You're useless."

"She never told me."

"Look at me."

"I am."

"Jinsoul, did she mention anything to you about me, or anything relating to crime?"

Jinsoul though, she really hadn't there was this one time when they got drunk and played never have I ever, and she put her finger down when Jinsoul said "never have I ever done drugs" but she was just drunk.


"Are you lying?"


Soojin walked away feeling dissatisfied, she got almost no information out of Jinsoul, she felt as if the entire thing was useless.

Ana and the other girl lifted Jinsoul up to her feet, "Let's show you around, you'll be staying here for a while." Ana said.


🔌💧 we changed the direction, omg what will happen next.. will Jungeun come and save the day? Who at DocDox told the Red Diamonds where Jinsoul lived? What gang was Jungeun in? find out in the next episode of dragon ball Z - Author

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