Singing in the Rain.

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Jinsoul thought Sooyoung was so stupid, no one was uncomfortable by the way she acted with her intern. At least she thought so, the only one that might have been uncomfortable was her. Jinsoul knew that her and Jungeun weren't even romantic, and Sooyoung just felt like picking on her. Jinsoul was no punk though.

Jinsoul continued to work hard though, she wouldn't prove Sooyoung right.

"Do you need any help?" Jungeun asked as she watched from afar.

"No, I'm not going to be dependent on my assistant."

Jungeun rolled her eyes, "Shut up, assistants are supposed to assist."

Jinsoul rolled her eyes too, "Make me shut up." She said sticking her tongue out.

Jungeun shrugged, "Dont say that, I just might." She smirked.

Jinsoul smiled, "Gross."

Jungeun winked and walked off.

Jinsoul opened up her notebook, and started to write. Jinsoul didn't think she was developing a crush on Jungeun, it was just a simple relationship between co workers, Jinsoul thought, didn't she want them to become friends?

Remembering that team building experience.. Jinsoul was confused why have us do so many team building/bonding projects if you don't want us to get close with our workers? She thought.

Sooyoung contradicted herself. Jinsoul tried not to think about it, she had Hyunjin on her side. Hyunjin was the master of convincing.

"Here's your coffee, if I knew how to make the designs on different type of coffee, I would." She said.

Jinsoul smiled, "That's sweet, didn't think you'd remember how to make the type I like." She said tasting it.

Jungeun shrugged, "I really tried to make it how you like it, with extra cream?" She said tilting her head unsurely.

Jinsoul smiled, "It's a little cold."

Jungeun huffed, "Jinsoul! I worked hard on this! Do not complain about the temperature."

Jinsoul smiled, and put her arms out for a hug, "I'm joking it's perfect."

Jungeun smiled and gave her a playful smile and a hug with the same energy.

Jinsoul smiled and let go, and looked Jungeun in the eye, "Come here! I have to show you something."

Jungeun raised an eyebrow and followed Jinsoul slowly, "Okay."

Jinsoul brought Jungeun down by her shoulder, "Look-" she showed her the fish tank. With the blue and red fish, that as usual were hand in hand in love.

Jungeun watched, "Is this what you were looking at the first day I came here?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Jinsoul nodded, "Mmhm, fishes aren't supposed to be like this, that's why I find it so amazing."

Jungeun watched a little closer, "What type of fish are they?"

Jinsoul shrugged, "I don't know! I'll look it up soon!" She said, she was somewhat curious too.

Jungeun watched for a little longer before smiling, "That's really cute,"

Jinsoul didn't respond, "They are so free, so open, they can do anything."

"You're right, love is not restricted.. their love is not restricted by managers." Jungeun said, smiling before walking away from the fish tank.

Jiwoo walked in with her big bright smile, "Soulie! Jungeunnie!" She said loud enough for the entire office to hear.

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