Human Masquerade

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

————————————————_____________________________________Author's POV:_____________________________________

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Wide halls filled with noisy chatter and tapping shoes graced their sight from the left and the right, even center, straight ahead, as Y/N lead her alien friend into the bustling mall. Russel was surprised at the amount of humans walking to and fro, swinging handfuls of bags at their hips as they traveled to the stores they desired to peek inside of. They came in search of new clothes that would better fit his scrawny stature and allow him the opportunity to observe more people in a natural setting, rather than just on a screen at home. Sharp fingers were locked with a pair of soft, smaller ones, the touch of his hand feeling cool and slightly damp against her skin, but Y/N didn't mind it. Since he had washed up, the wet feeling wasn't so intense, and besides, she didn't want him to end up lost in the crowd, like at the grocery store. The mall was much bigger in size, and it would be harder to keep track of him, should he decide to stray from her side.

     "It's much... More than what I was expecting when you explained it," he mutters, not quite having the words to express his emotions, his eyes drifting upwards towards the massive skylight on the ceiling that lit up the place with bright, sun rays. He was glad to be wearing the sunglasses in that instance when the light gleamed over the shades. The sun on Earth felt much hotter and brighter than what he had been used to growing up on his home planet or even when visiting other worlds. There were a few with similar suns, so luckily, it wasn't too much of a hassle to deal with.

     "Yeah, it's pretty big. Very busy today too, it seems." Humming, Y/N looks around, wondering where they should start their journey before bringing her strange friend up to the directory displaying the names of all the stores splayed out over three levels. One could spend all day in this place. Russel studies the map alongside her with intrigue until, at last, she came up with her decision after peering down at the creature's bare feet. She knew he didn't care to have them covered, but perhaps, there'd be a solution after all. "Let's try looking at shoes first. It's just a couple stores that way." Pointing to her right, Y/N turns to the alien as he met her gaze before glancing down at the boots she wore with a tilted head.

     "But, shoes seem so confining," his voice was plain, as always, but it was clear he had a distaste for the idea, yet the woman smiled and gently pulled him that way regardless.

     "There are many types of shoes, some more open than others, like the ones on that guy, over there." She points discreetly to a man they pass who wore sandals on his feet, catching the attention of the extraterrestrial, who blinked vertically in response to the information.

     "Those do seem a bit more manageable, and no socks seem needed either," he comments to himself, making her smile.

     "See? Clothes can be fun to pick out once you know what you're looking for. We have plenty of time to go around, searching for the right things. Just give them a try."

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