Human Disguise

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

I wince out of my sleep upon feeling a painful sting in the right side of my head, like it was shot with a few volts of electricity. With a loud groan, I sit up while clutching my aching head and hunch over, feeling sick to my stomach. I had to blink a few times before my vision could clear, which I found concerning, but I'm assuming these are side-effects from the alien sucking information from my mind. Speak of the devil, the white-haired creature tilts his head into view, completely disregarding my personal space.

"Are you feeling ill, Y/N specimen?" I nearly flinch when his sharp nails lift my hair to get a better look at my pain-filled features. His eyes blink vertically as he observes my expression. "Fascinating. It appears your body does not react well when projecting memories."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask while leaning back and pushing my hair out of the way myself. I just wanted to get a little of my space back because it feels slightly uncomfortable having him practically nose-to-nose with me. With a yawn, I rub the sleep out of my eyes, the E/C orbs tearing up just a bit due to feeling a little dry.

"I shouldn't do it again. If I do, it might cause damage to your mind and memories." His hand reaches out to press against my cheek, and I note that his damp skin feels cool in comparison to my heated skin, which makes me wonder if I have a fever.

"Your body is heating itself." He blinks again, which I've noticed doesn't happen as often as humans blink. He's lasted at least a few minutes without needing to shut his eyes. "Your species is most interesting." I crack a small smile before gently placing a hand on his wrist, ushering him to put it down, which he does. "Do you have any male specimens I could examine, preferably one who won't harm me in the manner that you've mentioned?" His otherwise monotonous voice held a twinge of fear and anxiousness, likely scared of the possibility of being dissected. "Or, perhaps your kind has only one gender? I have found one species that could change from male to female on certain occasions."

"Well, there are males and females, but also other details to add to that. Some people don't identify as either or decide to switch over. It's a little difficult to explain on the spot like this." I end my explanation with that after seeing the look on his face. Seems he was a little lost. "Maybe we can return to that another time?"

"I see," he mutters, intrigued, though, it was clear he was having trouble understanding. "Would it be all right if I met other humans?"

"You can, but..." I look him up and down, knowing he would stick out like a sore thumb if he went out in public, and I doubt everyone would believe me if I were to say he's a cosplayer. That isn't exactly common where I live. Then, I got a brilliant idea and smile. "We'll have to disguise you."

"Disguise?" He tilts his head again, causing my smile to widen.

"Yeah. I can make you look human, and you'll blend right in."

"How will you do that?" He seems intrigued. I slip off the bed and usher him to follow me into the bathroom. It's a small space with pale blue walls and a light grey, tile floor. The toilet, bathtub and sink counter are a pristine white, while the three drawers and two cabinets below the sink are a shade darker than the floor with glass, crystal knobs. A frilly, white shower curtain covers a portion of the deep tub surrounded by white tile on the walls. Two wooden shelves stick out above the toilet, holding clean, white towels, lotion, and a wire basket full of toilet paper. Decorative, plastic plants in white vases reside on both sides of the sink counter below the rectangular mirror with an antique white frame.

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